Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Realtors 4 Questions Help

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Jennifer Barcenas 4 years, 11 months ago
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    • #36080

      Jennifer Barcenas

        So I connected to some new people outside of the area where I live.  If I use the realtor questions and they answer that they live in another state – how do I close that conversation? I cannot directly list their home…which is my goal.  Or should I not be connecting with people outside of the area where I live/am licensed?

      • #36081

        Halle Eavelyn

          How about

          1. continuing the conversation because you a) need the practice and b) can ask them for a referral once you get them on the phone
          2. referring them out to another realtor for a referral commission if they need a home, or keeping in touch for the eventuality
          3. offering them your buyer or seller eBook as a gift when they get on the call with you

          If you don’t know about the realtor eBook is, please listen to the FIRST Realtor call recording.  Go to the bottom right hand corner module on your dashboard.  Click on the Realtor TAB. Then go to the TOP call (the oldest one) and listen – there’s a TON of info on that call.

        • #36086

          Jennifer Barcenas

            @halle-eavelyn i have not listened to that realtor call recording, i’ll do it now!  Thanks!

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