1 reply, 1 voice Last updated by n d 3 years, 6 months ago
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  • Author
    • #46152

      Lawrence Clarke

        I have revised my 3rd question to be effective. I am really not getting anywhere so far.Target market is retired senior citizens= please comment

        Q1 May i ask What are you doing to  stay active in retirement?

        Q2 Great!. Are you still living in the Denver area?

        Q3 Good to know. One more question, …..if I could show you an easy way to stay informed on Senior Living issues without any cost,  or obligation would you be interested?

        Q4 Ok good!   What time would be best for me to call tomorrow? What is your cell #?

        <article class=”pt1 pr5 pl2 mt4 mb4″ tabindex=”0″ data-artdeco-is-focused=”true”>



      • #46163

        n d

          Hi @larry-clarke! Thank you for submitting those questions. I have a few comments…

          Remember that your first message to them is to build rapport so we recommend greeting them first and finding out if they are retired.

          Also, your Q1 is difficult to answer even if they are retired. You want to make it easy for them to answer.

          Options below.

          “Great to connect [NAME]! Are you currently in retirement?”
          “Great to connect [NAME]! Are you currently retired?”
          “Great to connect [NAME]! Are you ready for retirement?”

          Good Q2!

          You can even ask them to hop on a call as your Q2 // we have had clients split test this. Sometimes they just ask Q1 and then when they answer, they lead them into setting up a time to chat rather than going off into the other questions.

          Remain dominant and remove “okay one more question” because this puts the power of the conversation in their hands.

          “Perfect. If I could show you an easy way to stay informed on Senior Living issues without any cost,  or obligation would you be interested?”


          “Perfect. That’s great! Let’s chat for a few minutes. I have some awesome strategies for you that will save you more money.”

          (you can change the “bring you more profit” to something else – just an example)

          Let me know what you think! Good work.


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