3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 3 years, 8 months ago
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  • Author
    • #45370

      Carl Dilley


        Can you review my infomercial

        see below


        If you’re a commercial Real Estate investor, either institutionally or individually now is the time to act.

        Historic disruptive events like our presidential election combined with the Covid pandemic have created a buyers market. Opportunities that currently exist in key commercial real estate categories come along only a few times in our lives.

        Properties are available that can be purchased substantially below traditional market values that can provide attractive positive cash flows and long-term wealth building capital gains.

        You can do this without taking on property management headaches and exposing your capital to excessive risks.

        Having an experienced buyers representative and financial analyst at your disposal is a win–win situation.

        To learn where the top opportunities exist give me a call.

        Carl Dilley
        Broderick and Associates


      • #45379

        n d

          Hi @carl-dilley-2! This is a really great start on your infomercial! You have the information, it just needs to be a little personable and organized. Try to fill in this template below with what you have and also by filling in the blanks:

          How about you start off asking up to 3 POWERFUL pain point questions…


          Are you WANTING _________?
          Do you NEED __________?

          Want __________?


          (after you ask 3 questions)


          If you answered ‘YES’ to those questions, you came to the right place!

          Hi, I’m _______ and I am a ____________ helping clients with _________.

          (2-5 sentences saying HOW exactly you plan to help / how you serve your clients)

          (you can add 1-2 more sentences about why they should work with you or maybe a motivating 1 liner to get them excited)

          If you want _______________ then message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit.

        • #45403

          Carl Dilley

            How about this draft #2

            Are you wanting to know where the real opportunities exist that have been created by the Covid Pandemic?

            Do you need a professional CRE analyst to help identify the right properties for your portfolio?

            Want to save a bunch of time and money by avoiding mistakes?

            If you answered ‘YES’ to those questions, you came to the right place!

            Hi, I’m Carl and I am a career financial analyst and am helping institutional and individual Commercial Real Estate Investors and identify properties that will provide high current cash flow and above average capital gains.

            Myself and our CRE team at Broderick make the Tampa Bay area home and have been operating here for decades. We know every local zoning authority and how to manage those issues so you don’t end up down zoning dead end roads. We also have an extensive background in Commercial Development and Property Management. We are the firm of choice for many CRE Developers seeking properties that will maximize profits. Providing CRE investors with outstanding service, in depth analysis and buyers representation that is second to none is what we do every day.

            If you want a true partner in your CRE investment or CRE Development business then message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit

          • #45408

            n d

              Hi @carl-dilley-2, add “job” after the “real” in the first sentence – “real job opportunities” or something similar so people IMMEDIETLY know what you’re helping with.

              Everything looks SUPER!

              Here are your next steps:

              Halle made a very helpful video on how to record your infomercial.

              It is called “VIDEO TIPS” in the Transformational Business Strategy Module.

              Here is also an example of what it should sound like. Of course, this is a high-quality version but yours does NOT have to be this
              high quality. Just look at the angle of the video and the lighting.


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