3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 3 years, 12 months ago
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  • Author
    • #44683

      Sharon Jebavy

        Nageen, my info-merciallis 40-42 seconds. Here it is:


        “Have you ever thought real estate fees were too high?

        Might there be a way to pay half…but still have an experienced Realtor to work with?

        I have two plans…one for sellers who want listed in the MLS and will do their own negotiating.  And a plan for sellers who want all the help a broker gives…from listing through closing!  Both programs pay a small up front fee and the buyer agent fee at closing.  The program that helps with everything pays a small closing fee.

        And all sellers benefit from my 32 years of experience.

        You probably have questions.  Give me a call…I have answers!  If you get my voicemail, please leave a message: I promise to return your call within minutes, not hours!   614-432-7325.”


        Thanks, Nageen!


      • #44697

        n d

          Hi @sharon-jebavy! Nice job on your infomercial! Below are my comments – please apply them and then resubmit for review 🙂

          Okay so your pain point questions are in the right direction. Let me ask you…

          Do ALL sellers know that there’s a fee added when trying to sell their home?? IF NOT – don’t assume and restructure.

          Try filling in this template to help you make your points!

          How about you start off asking up to 3 POWERFUL pain point questions…


          Are you WANTING _________?
          Do you NEED __________?

          Want __________?

          (after you ask 3 questions)

          If you answered ‘YES’ to those questions, you came to the right place!

          Hi, I’m Sharon Jebavy and I am a ____________ helping clients with _________.

          (2-5 sentences saying HOW exactly you plan to help / how you serve your clients)

          (you can add 1-2 more sentences about why they should work with you or maybe a motivating 1 liner to get them excited)

          If you want _______________ then message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit.



          Hope that helps!! 🙂

          To confirm, you had some good content that you can plug in but also, add some more good information on HOW you can assist your clients. Be sure not to over educate and just focus on pain points and how you can help.

          Great work!

        • #44699

          Sharon Jebavy

            Nageen, I don’t believe you understand my business model.  Having the fee added IS MY BUSINESS MODEL and I follow the law…have for 32 years….and would NEVER risk my license with the sellers not knowing.

            I am growing very discouraged.

          • #44700

            n d

              hi @sharon-jebavy! Sorry about that confusion – I was generally speaking 🙂

              Once you add more content to your infomercial, send it over and I’ll take a look!



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