3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Monica Severson 6 years, 5 months ago
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  • Author
    • #8844

      Monica Severson

        I am in tears right now. I left a post on Facebook just now as well. I have spent the last 3 days on my accelerator, the page froze and now it seems that everything I entered is gone. I cannot go back and redo, is there a way to retrieve this information for me.

      • #8905

        n d

          Hi @monica-severson! Sorry to hear about that! I’ve notified @tony-liddic in your post on FB and hopefully, we can find a solution to this!



        • #8908

          Tony Liddic

            @monica-severson I have searched the database for any partial data connected to your Hero Story Accelerator. Unfortunately, I was not able to find any saved information.

            I have tested the form for proper functionality in regards to saving on each page and it seems to be working correctly.


          • #8950

            Monica Severson

              Well great….I am not going to go back and redo the accelerator. Can you please mark it as complete so I can move on. I dedicated several hours to it over the weekend about 8 to be exact and don’t have that time to go back to redo. I am just going to go ahead to the next step which I believe is writing the story. I am sure that the accelerator would have helped but I simply can not go back. I had a book going on it and I don’t have mentality to start over. Sorry if this sounds grim but this course as you all know has been a challenge for me and I finally completed something that I was proud of only to have it go up in smoke. I literally had a melt down yesterday and can not put myself through that again. Thanks

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