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  • Author
    • #50609

      Jeffrey Hines





      • #50663

        n d

          Hey @jeffrey-hines! It was fantastic speaking with you today. Go ahead and make some revisions and once you’ve made the revisions based on the lesson, i’d love to take a look.

        • #50691

          Jeffrey Hines

            <p style=”font-weight: 400;”> Great to meet you by way of Linkedin, and thank you for taking the time to consider an investment in our Medical Anti-Aging Center; There is a national model to be created in this business; with your expertise or investment we will achieve the goal faster; and of course our doctors would love to help you find a great solution for any issue you may have.</p>
            <p style=”font-weight: 400;”> Investigate further, look at the links, the website, and give me a call to arrange a visit to the Center or a   zoom call with our doctors and staff. </p>
              Since you are an experienced or sophisticated investor, and knowledgeable in the medical and

            investment arena, I wanted to share an idea that you already have

            discovered, that not only has the potential to produce excellent returns, but one that actually helps people live a longer and more pain-free life. I want you to think about your aged friends and family, and how their conversations now include pain and doctor’s visits.  Ten Thousand people a day are turning 75! and that continues for the next 15 years.  We all want to delay our date of departure as long as possible. Then I want you to consider the structure of the medical industry, with a focus on 

            pharmacologicals, using a drug to abate the symptoms, and treatments are limited to what the insurance company is willing to fund.  Just as a broad general statement, it is not 

             in their self interest to pay for the latest technology.  However, Anti-Aging medicine, otherwise known as functional or integrative medicine focuses on the latest science and technology to find the cause of the problem, and treat those who have a few dollars in their bank and are willing to pay to extend the joy of life and resolve their pain.

            This is a partnership or investment opportunity using a Contingent Convertible Note in a revenue

             generating company.  This is a Medical Clinic that is not subject to Insurance company restrictions,

             patients pay out of pocket for advanced therapies and treatments that will enhance and extend 

            their lives;  that practices anti-aging medicine, offering the latest technologies to the Baby

             Boomers who now range in age from 60-75 years old, and with a wellness component for those

             much younger, with the potential to take the Clinics nationwide with a public offering as an IPO;

             after you have read the enclosed we can have a conversation about the demand, marketing, profit

             margins, and integrity of the principals.  

             The projections are based on a similar clinic in North Miami, for which our CEO was a consultant

             which  are based on realistic numbers that our CEO validated with his experience in working with 

            the finances of other Anti-Aging Clinics as a consultant.  Note that the projections are based on 

             a full court marketing press, projecting us to  4 million dollar revenue after 2 years.    If you click on the button for “corporate 

            updates” on the website, you will see me and my 4 year old son talking about ED protocols. 

             Good for a chuckle, but important because this is a problem not talked about, and we have a solution that can be provided virtually, meaning our market is national.  No need for office visits.  


            Our CEO, Jerry Miller, received a Masters in Health Administration from the University

             of Miami, and has 30 years  experience as a consultant to medical offices, and 

            worked with their CPA’s to enhance profitability and efficiency.  There is an

             Anti-Aging clinic in North Miami that he worked with, which sees 6 patients a day, this is
            the goal.  Right now we are at 2 patients a day, and are cash flow positive.  

              Marketing is a key component, and at a certain age and income level, people realize 

            their regular doctors are not interested in advanced therapies,  and they explore alternatives.  

            Take a look at the American Academy of Anti- Aging, located in Boca Raton,

             where doctors, including our medical director, Dr. Radwan, have  transitioned into anti-aging

             medicine.    and whose founder Dr. Ron Klatz is on our advisory


             It is a booming field, and one that our CEO is anxious to exploit with many therapies 

            that appeal to both men and women.  Non-surgical face lift using PRP, weight loss,

             both laser and HCG, O shot, for women, and for men,Testosterone, P-shot, 

            Trimex for ED, and hormone replacement therapy, IV therapy, exosomes, pain management 

            without drugs etc.  At the bottom is a full list of therapies available, 

             and as the technology advances, we can rapidly

            adapt.  It is all in the marketing and using the best technology to solve the needs of the patient. 

             If you would like to proceed I will be sending you a Subscription Agreement which is based on a 

            Convertible Note, which pays 15% per year, 1.25% per month.  Since he spent $800,000 to equip the Center, and we have patients coming in every day, I feel your investment is well protected especially since we are now cash 

            flow positive.  

            He plans to take the company public, so he has a CPA firm

             preparing monthly reports, and plans to undergo audits regularly.  Our first center 

            is in Aventura, Florida, and the plan is to build 4 more, and then go public.  Our revenue 

            now is over $100,000 a month according to a press report just released, and an aggressive

            marketing program to get the revenues up to 4 million a year. 

            Our CEO used a similar business model some years ago to create Urgent Care 

            Centers.  As the insurance companies became the dominant force in the medical 

            business, the doctors lost their independence, no longer are entrepreneurs, 

             and became part of the managed care system and so only worked

             normal hours.  There was a hole in the market for nights and weekends, 

             offering convenience and low prices.  He built the stand alone clinics, Urgent Care Centers,

            hired the doctors, did the marketing and made them successful, then took the 

            company public, then sold to CVS and Walmart,<u> </u>and all his investors

             made a terrific return.  The same should happen here. Only  more so since 

            the profit margins are much higher, and the demand is growing daily.  We all want

            to delay the date of departure, as long as possible. And I don’t have to tell you the 

            reaction of a woman to a new medically supervised weight loss program that requires

            no surgery, intense exercise or draconian diet rules, takes 15 minutes once every 3 months,  

            and loses 25% of her fat.  ” This technology is clinically proven to provide 

             an average of 24% fat reduction and tailored to patients’ individual needs.”

             Or a face lift that requires no cutting or surgery or down time.  The link following is just to point

             out the strength of the market, hormone replacement, testosterone centers, going from one to 

               45 locations in a short period gives an idea of demand. 


             We can and should go from 1 million valuation, start up cost, to a 4 million 

            valuation in about a year, and when the professional money managers think about those parameters, 

            they will be all in to expand rapidly.


            Jeff HInes

            Med Smart Wellness Centers

            954 245 2002

          • #50692

            Jeffrey Hines
              You get nowhere in life if you don’t take advantage of your losses as well as your wins.
              The joy of Life is being able to Share…Share my mistakes and Wins, so you too can avoid errors, and make the Wins…That is the Ultimate Satisfaction For Me.
              We all unfortunately reach the end of the line (life) at some point, the question is, when?  Are you prepared?
              1.  What will you do when you or a loved one gets a diagnosis of Dementia or Alzheimer’s 
              mers?  Connect with me, for a free roadmap of options. 
              2.  What are the ways to increase your net worth so that at retirement time, you have enough to take care of this diagnosis and still provide for your family.  Connect with me for how I resolved this problem.
              3.  There are certain “Secrets” of investing only available to those who are “accredited” or at least “sophisticated” .  If you happen to be in that good fortune class, you are authorized by the government, the powers that be have given me permission, to tell you certain private methods inherent in our capital structure that you are eligible to take advantage of. Connect with me so I can share with you what are these little known secrets and to see if they are a good fit for you.   
              Jeff Hines
              954 245 2002
              ReplyReply allForward
            • #50745

              n d

                Hi @jeffrey-hines, this all looks good – I’d like you to put it in your actual about section on LinkedIn and send me the link to review. I ask is that I’d like to review your background image, your profile photo, what the headline (words under linkedin name) looks like, and the about section (which has a 2000 character limit).

                You HAVE great content, it just needs to be better organized to relay your points.

                Pro tip: go to Kent’s profile, copy his About section, and ADD your own information to it. His outline is what we teach in the program.


                Here is what we look for in a profile:


                Call to action at the end:

                If you’re ready for _______ then give me a call TODAY at _______ or message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

                Please tag me after you make the necessary revisions! 🙂


              • #50854

                Jeffrey Hines

                  I am not making progress sufficient in my mind, and of course it is my own peccadillos that are liable;  however to get going I feel the need for someone to pick up the ball, spend a few minutes with me orienting me to the details, of posting, and marketing, the practical hands on things I can not articulate well enough yet.   I can write the pitches, just need some editorial help.   I have sent in a number of emails that have not been responded to, please look and give me advice.  I want to take my emails to you, put them in a file, and upload them below, I think I can do that, if you tell me that is needed.  I would open a word document, copy and paste all my emails, save the word, and then upload it below.  Will that help you?

                • #50868

                  n d

                    Hi @jeffrey-hines, yes I provide Monday office hours for technical assistance at 1 pm EST. Please feel free to take advantage of that time and I’d be happy to assist.

                    This live call will be used to answer your technology-related questions for this training site.

                    Mondays at 1:00 pm EST // 10 am PST
                    Click this link to join:
                    Meeting ID: 4496238008

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