10 replies, 3 voices Last updated by n d 2 years, 8 months ago
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  • Author
    • #48109

      Isom Harrison

        Hi @negeen-dargahi. I have uploaded my Informercial video for review. Thank you.

        Isom Harrison


      • #48115

        n d

          Hi @isom-harrison, thank you for submitting your infomercial for the review!

          This was very nicely done – you can definitely use this video but my tips for the future, if you choose to rerecord are:

          • you’ve got a wonderful smile and I’d love to see you engaging a bit more with the camera.
          • once you go through the script (off-camera a few times) and are more comfortable, you won’t need to look at the script as often. This will allow you to look at the camera more than you’re looking up
          • is there another area in your home you can film? Sometimes filming in front of a window or somewhere where you’re not against a wall will look nicer

          Overall, super job taking action!


        • #48211

          Becky Santarina

            Hi Negeen,

            Here’s my infomercial film for you to review.  I’m not 100% happy with it and do plan to redue it again.  Please give me your feedback.



          • #48213

            Becky Santarina

              Hi Negeen,

              I was trying to figure out how to upload the video on YouTube and LinkedIn, but both didn’t seem to work.  On YouTube the video didn’t seem to work—not sure if there is a problem on there side or not.

              On LinkedIn, I was not able to find the section where I would upload the video.  I scrolled up/down and couldn’t find it.  It doesn’t exists, so my question is do I have to be a paid member for LinkedIn and YouTube for it to work?

              Thank you!




            • #48216

              n d

                Hi @becky-santarina! Nice job taking action on filming! A few comments:

                Try to take a natural breath after every point you’re making… read your script over and over and over again (off-camera) so that when you DO read it when you’re filming, it will come off naturally.

                Secondly, if you’re very close to the camera. Could you move back a little bit so you are in frame?

                Next, you can upload this video on LinkedIn with the free version. Here are the steps:

                • go to your profile
                • click on “add section” under your headline
                • click on ‘featured’
                • click on media/link and you can upload your video that way

                If this does not help, please join my Tech success calls and I will assist further 🙂


              • #48231

                Becky Santarina

                  <!–more–>Hi Negeen,

                  I wanted to upload the final draft of my informercial, but I am getting an error message stating it is to long.  The video is only 46 seconds please advise as to how I can resend it for you to review.

                • #48246

                  Becky Santarina

                    Hi Negeen,

                    Did you get my Informercial?  I sent it through email as you instructed probably 2-days ago.


                    Thank you!

                    Becky Santarina


                  • #48254

                    n d

                      Hi @becky-santarina, your infomercial had a massive transformation! You look beautiful, your message is coming across confidently, and your background looks so much nicer. SUPER happy with this!

                      Great work!!


                    • #48259

                      Becky Santarina

                        Hi Negeen,

                        So I’m assuming it’s good enough to upload?


                        Becky Santarina


                      • #48264

                        n d

                          Yes absolutely! @becky-santarina


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