7 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 3 years, 6 months ago
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  • Author
    • #46031

      Jameson Melbye

        Alrighty folks…here’s one to review.  Let me know your thoughts!



      • #46034

        n d

          Hi there @jameson-melbye! Great to have you in the program with us! Below are my comments for revision:

          Good profile photo! If you could send it to our graphic designer, Lindsey, she can center the photo. Ideally, you would be facing the camera and smiling, rather than to your side, so keep that in mind!

          I also want you to have a better background image. Tell Lindsey in the email, your field of work, and she will create something better for you!


          Headline looks GREAT!!

          About Section:

          The first 2 sentences of your profile are the most important – let’s try a different type of attention grabber than the one you have. Remember that this is a sales letter so you want to lead them to that information.

          I would start off with a pain point or even an introduction like Kent has on his profile:


          I help clients like YOU __________.


          And you want to put the focus on THEM and less on you and your experience. You want to detail, WHAT you do, WHO you work with, and HOW you can help them.

          Also, you HAVE all the content, it just needs to be better organized!

          Pro tip: go to Kent’s profile, copy his About section, and ADD your own information to it. His outline is what we teach in the program! This should really help you with removing those bullet points at the end and focusing on a powerful sales letter.


          Here is another example:


          Also, try to have your testimonial be short and sweet by not exceeding 3 sentences, if possible!

          Call to action:

          If you’re ready for _______ then give me a call TODAY at _______ or message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

          Please tag me after you make the necessary revisions!


        • #46035

          Jameson Melbye

            @negeen-dargahi Will do! It’s prob not part of the program, but being you’re a YouTube slayer, could you please give me any pointers there?

            https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCOArzz-PsUxm8VeneDqMRw is my profile. I’ve done a ton of work on this thing, hardly any video views and followers. I need help!!

          • #46044

            n d

              Hey @jameson-melbye! Definitely. Your thumbnails are super important and i’ve seen other accounts kind of go the same route as you with thumbnails but I would split test and switch it up to be more eye-catching. This also goes for titles *

              Instead of saying a title like:
              What are your thoughts on Zillow offers?

              You could say:

              5 Things ZILLOW DOESN’T Want You To Know!

              (and the thumbnail could be a screenshot of your face and Zillow with a red arrow or something around those lines)

              You’re doing great though and awesome consistency 🙂

              More detail in your description will also help with SEO.


            • #46045

              Jameson Melbye

                Awesome, thank you!

              • #46070

                Jameson Melbye

                  @negeen-dargahi How does the profile look now?

                • #46071

                  Jameson Melbye

                    Forgot..is there still a private Facebook group for the program?

                  • #46082

                    n d

                      You NAILED it @jameson-melbye!!! Great job taking action on the revision request!

                      There is a general Facebook group for people but no, we no longer have a private Facebook group.

                      We hope to add one in the next few months 🙂


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