Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Mindset Dear Money

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      Laverne Denyer

        From Laverne E Denyer
        Dear Money:
        Hello dear friend and partner. I appreciate how we work well together in the energy exchange of life and growth. I love the amazing river of energy flowing between us that provides my freedom to play wherever, whenever and however I choose.
        When I was quite young and new at offering my intuitive and healing services to others, people said that taking money for my natural gifts was somehow wrong and ugly. It was taking advantage of others and being greedy. I was told, and long believed, that my talents and intuition should (that nasty should word of guilt) be given away freely. So, I did. I found other ways to bring my dear partner money into my life. I believed it was supposed to be a struggle to manifest and use your energy. I have always been good at bringing you and your powers into my life, mostly through pure intent and expectation. I bring forth what I desire in unusual ways, by setting the intention and accepting the gifts of the universe, including you. Money, my friend, you constantly amaze me with the way you come my way to provide for my needs and desires.
        Fortunately, I soon realized that my energies have value and it is important to accept you in exchange for my talents. I realized that artists of all types get paid for their work as an exchange of energy from the person receiving that art. Other people in all careers expect a mutual exchange for services rendered. My spiritual work is no different. I am valuable and now value myself and the joy that money provides. I let go, let God. Part of the gift I share with others is the gift of being able to give back in like value, saying thank you through money energy. People rarely give value and commitment to teachings which are too freely given. With no buy-in through an equal and fair energy exchange, the investment made by the receiver is minimal. It hinders their process of healing or growth. It simply lacks the same value when free as when a personal investment has been made, such as money. I learned I was cheating and undervaluing myself and my clients with a one-way energy flow. What a relief and joy that wisdom brought. I accept the right to value my services, which brings me more of you to have in my life.
        Money, my friend, you realize that these growth steps are monumental, as well as rewarding for me. I chose a man to marry and stay with who has gigantic money fears. It has been challenging and educational to work around his fears and sense of limitation, his sense of being “poor,” to live the life I choose with freedom to do as I wish with money in my own way. Between you and I, we are living abundantly by sidestepping his energies and creating our own pathways to partnership and freedom. I can allow hubby to live in his grim reality while I thrive in my own free-flowing joy. We each have our own concept of reality, and that is ok. I choose wealth. Perhaps he will make a similar choice at some point. So be it either way. He is worth the efforts for all of the other wonderful things he brings to my life.
        Money, we work well and share joy together. For that I am grateful to each of us for the open flow of magical intent and acceptance we share.
        I learn and accept more each day how you, lovely money, and I can live together in great abundance and wealth. We can and do accomplish miracles no matter the obstacles we thought we faced. I find more and more ways to bring you into my life and play with you as I wish. I accept that we have only begun to realize the infinite extent of our loving relationship and broad playground.
        In closing, I command, demand and accept an infinite supply of your energies, free of money restrictions, from this moment forward. I thank you and I thank me for this continually expanding gift of wealth, with the joy and freedom it brings. Joyfully together we live in abundance.


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