Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – Profile Reviews & Questions REQUEST FOR LINKEDIN PROFILE REVIEW-MY AVATAR

3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 4 years, 5 months ago
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  • Author
    • #43674

      Tatyana Shivers


        Please review and provide feedback. Thanks



      • #43680

        n d

          Hey @tatyana-shivers, first off, welcome to the program and nice work taking action on your profile!!

          Below is my feedback on changes I’d like you to make:

          Your current profile photo is nice but it’s from a side angle and off-centered. Could you find a photo of a face front photo of you smiling with eye contact? This will really help. Also, if you have a dark background you can actually email it to our graphic designer, Lindsey, ask her to brighten the photo and add a white background for you. Once she sends the photo back, please zoom in and center the photo of your face.

          If you can’t find a different profile photo, just center it, have the white background added and that will work!

          I don’t like your background photo very much. It’s not very inviting and very LOUD. I’d also like you to email Lindsey, and tell her a little about your field of business and she can create something better!



          Good headline!! Very attention-grabbing!!

          About section:

          Okay you have ALL the right content, YAY, but the organization of your points needs work.

          Remove all the astrict symbols (******).

          Here’s what I want you to actually do as far as organization goes:

          Please copy and paste Kent’s LinkedIn profile and ADD your own content from your profile in to that outline. This will really help with organization, because you have all the awesome info, it just needs to flow better.

          Does that make sense??

          Here is his profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/klittlejohn/

          Everything else looks great 🙂

        • #43682

          Tatyana Shivers

            @negeen-dargahi @kent-littlejohn @halle-eavelyn

            Negeen, thank you very much for your prompt feedback. I’ve contacted Lindsey per your advice.  The background photo in Linkedin profile is a company logo that was created by a graphic signage professional, and honestly I was not impressed myself when I received it…Looking forward to Lindsey’s recommendations. 🙂

            As far as organization, I have removed (***) symbols and have reviewed Kent’s profile. I’ve added my Linkedin profile URL to HECP profile.

            The problem is that Linkedin profile Summary allows only 2,558 characters.Each blank line is countered by Linkedin as 1 character.

            I’ve added more blanks to my Linkedin profile but my summary is already 2,557 characters including blank lines.  So if I have to paste my Summary into Kent’s template which has a blank line between each sentence, I have to further shrink my summary content.

            Linkedin profile Accelerator module says that Summary is limited to 2,000 symbols and Raw Content doesn’t show any symbols limitation. It took me a long time to craft a Summary and Raw Content to finish my Profile Accelerator in HECP  but when I pasted it in Linkedin profile, I had to cut my content almost twice to fit in 2,558 symbols. I want to move forward with HECP training at  faster pace since I have much more time now due to staying at home order.

            I’d like to get also Kent’s feedback on it, also whether he thinks my Linkedin Summary content may sound too “salesy” or need an improvement.

            Thank you







          • #43692

            n d

              Hi @tatyana-shivers, awesome job taking immediate action based on my feedback!

              Please remove randomly capitalized words in your About Me section such as:

              Are you thinking about Selling Your House but not sure if that’s the Right Time?

              There’s a lot of “my” and “I” and I want to challenge you by replacing those with “you”.

              It would look like this —> https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-harris-aa0487119/

              I revised this section below:

              If you answered “Yes” to those questions, then you have come to the right place!

              I’m an Entrepreneur/Real Estate Broker with a demonstrated history of working in corporate supply chain, real estate industry and property management.

              My One-Of-a Kind “MONEY SAVER Program”
              SELLS Your Home FASTER
              Puts MORE MONEY in Your Pocket

              UPDATED TO:

              If you answered “Yes” to those questions, then you have come to the right place!

              When YOU work with me, you get ________.

              Sounds great right?

              You get access to my one-of-a-kind “MONEY SAVER Program” that SELLS your home faster, in front of QUALIFIED buyers, all while putting more money in your pocket! No more hassles or fears when you work with me!

              Please note:

              You are repeating yourself a lot in the entire sales letter so really try to lead them through your message. Look at the example I shared with you above and feel free to use that also as inspiration!

              Call to action:

              Try something like:

              If you’re READY for _______ message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

              please tag me in your revisions 🙂 great work!

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