4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Charley Kyd 4 years, 7 months ago
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    • #41749

      Charley Kyd

        [This informercial will use Camtasia to show my live screen, not my face.]

        This is the top of an Excel dashboard that you can update from the web every business day. It could just as well display your own business data. Every day. Week. Month. Whatever.

        To update it, I’m going to press Power Query’s Refresh All command NOW!

        In about seven seconds we should see an updated result.

        This dashboard uses the same type of data plumbing that all of your own Excel reports, analyses, and forecasts should use.

        That is, you use Power Query to flow data from its source to an Excel Table, which works like a simple database. From there, your worksheet formulas flow the data into a staging table for each chart or summary table in your report. And finally, you use charts and formulas to flow the data to your reports.

        Not only does this method slash the time you need to update your Excel work, it slashes your errors.

        And because the updating process is so simple, we could use a simple macro to open the first workbook in a list, refresh it, print it or save it as a PDF, close it, open the second workbook, and so on.

        My Excel Productivity training can teach your staff how to set up productive reports, forecasts, and analyses that update just as easily. Or, if you’re in a hurry to make your company’s Excel work MUCH more productive, I can set up the initial system for you.

        To slash your Excel reporting times and error rates, send me a message NOW. Let’s talk.

      • #41868

        n d

          Hi @charley-kyd, I want you to think of your infomercial as a condensed version of your LinkedIn sales letter.

          What you wrote up there would be great for your webinar, but for your Informercial, it’s too lesson like.

          Please follow this outline to better assist you with drafting your Infomercial.

          How about you start off asking up to 3 POWERFUL pain point questions…

          Are you WANTING _________?
          Do you NEED __________?

          Want __________?

          (after you ask 3 questions)

          If you answered ‘YES’ to those questions, you came to the right place!

          Hi, I’m _______ and I am a ____________ helping clients with _________.

          (2-5 sentences saying HOW exactly you plan to help / how you serve your clients)

          (you can add 1-2 more sentences about why they should work with you or maybe a motivating 1 liner to get them excited)

          If you want _______________ then message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit.

        • #42763

          Charley Kyd


            Your comments helped me to clarify the reason I took the approach that I did. And I realized that I hadn’t done a very good job to advance that reason. Here it is:

            When we make a pitch, prospects can have two significant doubts. They can doubt the sales person, and they can doubt themselves. So we need to reduce both types of doubt.

            In my revised profile…
            …I promise that: I Can Help YOU Generate Dozens of Excel Reports, Forecasts, and Analyses in Less Time Than You Normally Generate Only One.

            For most Excel users, that’s not a believable promise. So the purpose of my video is to (a) explain why I can make that promise, and, (b) reassure them that they can make it work for them.

            Using a salesy video ignores their legitimate doubts. I’ve got to use that time to ease those doubts.



            Hi! This is Charley Kyd.

            I can help you generate dozens of Excel reports, forecasts, and analyses in less time than you normally generate only one report.

            And in less than one minute, I’ll show you how you’re going to do it after you subscribe to my training, or ask me to set up the initial system for you, or both.

            This is the top of a daily report of business and economic data.

            This is your Data Table. You’ll use Power Query to update it with one command.

            This is your Metadata Table. That same command will update it, as well.

            This is one of your staging tables. Here, Excel formulas return—from the data table—the data about the current price of crude oil. And the report will display that data in Figure 2.

            This cell has a formula that returns the most-recent date for which we have crude oil prices. The formulas in the staging table look at that date and automatically adjust to show prices for the most-recent 31 weekdays of data.

            And here’s the top-part of our report again, which shows the crude oil prices in figure 2.

            When we launch the refresh-all command, Power Query updates the data table and the metadata table. The formulas in the staging tables recalculate. And then the report recalculates.

            Not only does this reporting method slash the time you need to update your Excel work, it slashes your errors.

            And because the updating process is so simple, we could use a simple macro to open the first workbook in a list, refresh it, print it or save it as a PDF, close it, open the second workbook, and so on.

            My Excel Productivity training will teach you or your staff how to set up productive reports, forecasts, and analyses that update just as easily. Or, if you’re in a hurry to make your company’s Excel work MUCH more productive, I can set up the initial system for you.

            To slash your Excel reporting times and error rates, shoot me a message NOW. Let’s talk.

          • #42765

            n d

              Hi @charley-kyd, like I mentioned before, the point of the infomercial isn’t to teach them something… it’s to ask them about their pain point questions, tell them you can help them solve all their struggles and worries, and why they should work with you.

              What you’ve written, while it’s informative, it’s a detailed lesson. So you’re more than welcome to film that and add it to your profile – but I just want you to know that the Infomercial exercise is asking for you to promote your business rather than detail it.

              You could have a section that is like:

              “If you’re needing help with ________, I know EXACTLY how to help. When you learn how to utilize Excel to it’s fullest abilities, you’ll be able to ____ , _______, _______, easily. You SAVE time!!”

              Also, you want it to be a short and sweet message. Under 2 min 3o seconds max

              Thank you!

            • #42766

              Charley Kyd


                Which is more believable?: To TELL people that you can help them? Or to SHOW them?

                Which is more memorable?: A DESCRIPTION of the Golden Gate Bridge? Or an IMAGE of it?

                We BELIEVE our eyes. We REMEMBER images.

                Showing proof through pictures is difficult for many services. But not for mine.

                Because I’ve got it, I’ll flaunt it.

                However, at 345 words right now, I DO need to make the script much shorter. At 150 wpm, that’s over two minutes of video. And I have three more images that I want to show, but only for about three seconds each.

                Finally, the banner, the About, and the video will support each other. Particularly, the About will reference the video. And the video will reference the banner.

                Thanks, Negeen.


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