Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – “4-Question” Reviews Trojan Horse Questions: Excel training and development

6 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Charley Kyd 4 years, 7 months ago
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    • #37073

      Charley Kyd

        First, I don’t care what the company does. And besides, I could be talking with someone working at Uber, or P&G, or Ford, or T-Mobile. I’d sound like an idiot asking what their company does. Instead, my contact’s position in the company is very important to me. That is, I need to ask an obviously RELEVANT question.

        Second, responses like “fantastic” or “great” are weirdly effusive in my environment. Therefore…

        1. Hey, [Name]. Great to connect. What do you do for your company? [Different people with the same title can do a lot of different things.]
        2. Sounds like they keep you busy. What are some of the major challenges you’re facing this year? [My best prospects are ALWAYS facing major challenges.]
        3. I have a couple of Excel strategies that are perfect for you! [The strategies are training, development, or both.] What are a couple of time windows you have available to chat?


      • #37598

        n d

          Hi @charley-kyd, I’d like us to reframe for a moment. The 4 questions are intended to build rapport and not qualify, yet.

          Your first question is very important – so I personally recommend asking:

          Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business?

          You could also split test with your Q1 that you wrote up and see how they perform for 2 weeks.

          Your second question is loaded. Some people may not want to share that personal information by the 2nd message. I’d like you to report back after testing it out – if people are dropping off after you ask that question, I recommend going back and revising it.

          When I see “Excel” in your question, it makes me think of Excel on the computer. Is that what you’re helping with? If not, please choose another word.

          Good work!

          Charley, have I provided feedback on your LinkedIn accelerator yet??


        • #37603

          Charley Kyd


            With regard to Excel, I’ve used and written about Excel in business for nearly 40 years. I’m a former Excel MVP.

            No, you haven’t responded to my LinkedIn profile. However, I submitted it using my current banner. Perhaps it would be best to wait until I get Lindsey’s version.

            With regard to the questions, back in 2018 you wrote:

            I personally think you should stick to the outline —>

            1) Great to connect ‘NAME’… what’s your core business?

            2) Perfect. What’s your main focus this year?

            3) Love that! If I had a few simple strategies that would help you accomplish that, would you like me to share those with you?

            4) Fantastic. What are a few time windows that you have available tomorrow to chat?

            From a content perspective, it looks like you’re treating both #1 and #2 as throwaway questions. For #2, the main focus might be possible to achieve only after they solve a problem that we can help them to solve. But that’s not what we’re asking.

            (Real estate folks presumably know whether they’re talking to buyers or sellers. They know the GOAL that their prospect has in mind. But in consulting, question #2 probably will tell us nothing useful about the prospect’s goals.)

            The examples I’ve seen for #3 all seem to structure it something like this:

            #3. If I could XXX would you be interested in talking with me?

            However, at this point we know NOTHING useful about the person. We don’t have a clue about what kind of benefit to offer. So that makes #3 a shot in the dark.

            Or am I missing something?


          • #37837

            n d

              Hi @charley-kyd, have you tested the questions from my intital feedback months ago?

              Also – we have had some members find success by asking Q1 and then going straight to Q3 – that could be something you split test as well.

              Give it a shot and get back to me!

              I’d also like you to watch “4 QUESTIONS” video in the Transformational Business Strategy Module. It’s all about building rapport which is why we have Q1 and Q2.

              Thanks and hope that helps in the meantime!


              • #38280

                Charley Kyd


                  Months ago? I joined only a few weeks ago.

                  No, I haven’t tried your suggestions because I don’t have a slot open for consulting right now. And also, I haven’t set the trap in LinkedIn. I just finished my banner last night.


              • #39620

                n d

                  Hi @charley-kyd, my mistake – I got confused when you put 2018 but I see that you were pasting a post that I made.

                  First, I don’t see your profile for review in the system.

                  Could you make a new post in the “Linkedin Profile Reviews and Questions” forum with link, please? I’ll look at it asap.

                  For your 4 questions – what is your business? I am confused by you saying you don’t have an open slot for consulting.

                  Thanks in advance!

                  • #39626

                    Charley Kyd


                      I consult and offer a training subscription about the business use of Microsoft Excel. My consulting implements what I train users to do over several years.

                      When I said that I don’t have an open slot right now, I meant that I don’t have enough time for another client at the moment. But that could change in the next few weeks.


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