6 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Terence Sweatt 4 years, 9 months ago
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    • #36497

      Terence Sweatt

        Hi @negeen-dargahi

        Im starting to reach out to my 79 LinkedIn connections.

        Once I finish messaging each of them since my target market is real estate agents i was thinking to type in that keyword in the search and just start clicking “connect” to the list of people that show up. Is that right? or there another strategy or method to prospecting/connecting that I might have missed going through lesson 4? I’ve read the “Barker 20” .pdf, and “6 steps to turn contacts into clients” .pdf  and I am at the last step of Lesson 4, but was unclear exactly how to continue reaching out to new connections on LinkedIn once ive gone through my 79 connections. I’m probably over thinking it, but i assume since my target market is real estate agents i could just type that into the search and start making connections with them?!?

      • #36503

        n d

          Hi @terence-sweatt!

          Yes, exactly! In the words of Kent, connect with ANYONE and EVERYONE. Even your competitors and I’ll tell you why that’s the gold nugget:

          When you are connecting with, let’s say, your competitors, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of that.

           often recommends this:

          • once you are connected to another realtor, click on their profile
            – then, click on where you see their connections. For example, it could say “500+ connections”
            – click on that
            – you will then see ALL of their connections
            (here is the golden nugget) you can start adding ALL of their connections and start sending them your Q1. Win/win.
            Hope this answers your question and provides a helpful tool in taking advantage of all of your current connections.

          Also, you should be making at least 30-50 connections a day, so yes, follow the Barker20 and just keep connecting and sending out those Q1s.

          Keep it up!! 🙂

        • #36509

          Terence Sweatt

            @negeen-dargahi … sounds good, will do, thank you!

          • #36529

            Terence Sweatt

              Hi @negeen-dargahi, I noticed as I was looking to connect with real estate agents that a number of prospects have either “In mail”, “Message”, or even ” Follow” next to their profile. I ended up signing up for the 1 month of premium for free, but I was wondering how should I initiate the conversation if I were to message/connect with these people.

              For my 1st round of “connecting” I simply just clicked “CONNECT” without writing any message (super easy :)) … but is that right or should I be saying anything at all?

              Thank you.

            • #36557

              n d

                Hi @terence-sweatt, if it says something other than “connect” that means they are either a 2nd or 3rd degree connection. I’m not sure if the upgrade in LinkedIn limits how many people you add, it may just limit you if you’re on the free version. Anyways, that’s the extra explanation on those icons you see.

                Now, to answer your question. Go ahead and just connect and then go back and send the Q1 once you’re connected and accepted!

                If you’re able to send the Q1 after connecting right away, go for it!

              • #36604

                Terence Sweatt

                  @negeen-dargahi … thank you!

                • #36612

                  Terence Sweatt

                    Hi @negeen-dargahi … for the connections that don’t have an option for me to “connect”, should I just “message” the Q1 to them instead?

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