1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 1 month ago
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  • Author
    • #35840

      Pat Dolen

        Hi @negeen-dargahi:

        When I was “playing around” with my account, after viewing the orientation video, I decided to update my company name from 0 to Tydeman Dolen.

        I’ve entered it several times, and saved it.  Even received the message, your profile has been changed.

        When I check back after opening and closing…it still reverts to o (zero)

        Any ideas?

        Pat Dolen



      • #35843

        n d

          Hi @pat-dolen, first off, WELCOME to the program! So great to have you 🙂

          Hm, I see what you’re saying – I would disregard and move forward. I’m actually unable to see the company name on my end in general, so that may just be a feature for you!

          I’ll forward that to our tech team!

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