1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 4 months ago
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  • Author
    • #35471

      Josh Ulrich

        “If you’re like most non-technical business owners, your website is an afterthought, until it’s TOO LATE…


        And make no mistake, if your competition has better websites in 2019, they’re taking leads from you.


        What was once a ‘set it and forget it’ operation has now become an ongoing sales platform that DESERVES consistent attention.


        I know what you’re thinking… ‘I don’t really need a website to get customers.’ Maybe you’re right – for now – but what are you doing to generate your cold, hard traffic?


        Where are the customers coming from who weren’t referred to you. You know the ones who  have no idea who you are, but they still called you anyway?


        If you don’t know this answer to the question then there is a high chance that you aren’t getting them, or you just assume some place on the internet.Either way, finding this answer can be the key to doubling or tripling your business!


        Luckily, getting on the right track is NOT as difficult as it was five years go.


        Our streamlined approach will get you running with an effective client getting machine in just WEEKS. Your customers will thank you – and let’s be honest, so will I. Call me (303-957-6999), Email me (ulrichmediaco@gmail.com) and let’s get you where your customers need you to be…

      • #35477

        n d

          Hi, @josh-ulrich, you did a FANTASTIC job at your infomercial! I was immediately hooked.

          For your phone number + email – if it becomes too much for you to say:

          • you can just ask them to contact you instead of saying all that info out loud (if you want) and what you can do is have someone edit the video and add it at that moment – in the lower right-hand corner

            Everything else looks SUPER! Great work taking action!!!

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