3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 4 months ago
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  • Author
    • #35351

      Spencer Bolinski

        Hi there – here is what I am thinking for my 30-second infomercial! Would love some feedback!

        Are you at a point in your real estate business where you’re on the verge of getting a part-time job? Or maybe you’re not quite there, but you know you’re headed down that path? Perhaps you’re just simply burnt out, sick of wasting money on “systems that don’t work” & you’re overall stressed out with the real estate JOB that was supposed to be a DREAM!

        If any of these points hit home for you, I have a question for you. Just how long IS IT going to be before you’re at that point where you’re looking for a second job? A month? 3? 6?

        Be honest with yourself. Can you confidently say that you have a system in place that you can rely on for growing your business? Is it predictable & consistent every single time? If you can’t confidently say yes to that simple question, it’s okay.

        These are the exact problems we help solve to not only get your real estate business back on track but to help you finally take complete control over it once & for all.

        Over the last 2 years, my team & I have helped close upwards of $25 million in deals generated through our system. If you think you’re ready to take control of your business, close more deals & reignite that vision you once had when you got into real estate, then I’d love to chat with you. Feel free to contact me via phone at (703) 554-4352, message me here on LinkedIn, or shoot me an email at info@digiaim.com

        Let’s crush it this year & help you get to where you want to go!



      • #35355

        n d

          Hi @spencer-bolinski, this is all really good information.

          When you read this out loud normally, how many minutes is it?

        • #35356

          Spencer Bolinski

            I just recorded myself saying it out loud & I ended up with 1:08 – so much for 30 seconds haha! Any particular parts you’d take out/adjust to make it a bit shorter?

          • #35357

            n d

              Hey @spencer-bolinski! Actually, we advise people to not go over 3minutes, the 30 second is more of a title or general suggestion.

              I would say to fix one thing: you do ask a lot of questions in the beginning so I’d recommend choosing 3 POWERFUL pain point questions and then dive into your points so it’s not dragging on.

              Because you’re starting off asking a few questions and then you’re asking them again to answer a few questions, you know?

              Let me know your thoughts 🙂


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