Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – “4-Question” Reviews 4 Questions: Business Systems coach for Entrepreneurs

5 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Joseph 5 years, 6 months ago
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    • #34352


        Really I am about business systems and Leadership. Leadership is the critical one but everyone thinks they already know how to lead 😉   [sell em what they want, give them what they need]

        1. Hey _____,It’s awesome to connect.
          I looked over your profile and it looks like we may have some synergy.
          What’s your business’ core purpose?
        2. That’s great!
          Is your business providing all of the freedom and joy you expected it would?
        3. Sorry to hear that… (Or That’s great*)
          I can show you some simple systems that will help you scale (even more*) without adding complexity to your business
          Would you be interested in chatting and I will help you?
          Talk soon,
        4. Great.
          Take a few minutes and fill out a couple of questions so I know a little more about your current business =>
          APP LINK (I haven’t created this survey yet)
          And grab a spot on my calendar today or tomorrow that work for you
          My Calendar Link: https://calendly.com/joseph-flahiff,
          Talk with you soon,

        * if the person says Yah I am doing great.


      • #34387


          After using #1 today I have reverted back to

          “Hey _____, It’s awesome to connect.
          I looked over your profile and it looks like we may have some synergy.
          What’s your core business?”

          Asking what their purpose is, makes them think too much….

        • #34434

          n d

            Hi @joseph, a really nice job taking action on your Trojan Horse questions! They need a little finetuning.

            Keep in mind that the 4 questions are meant to be short and sweet. What you have has become way too wordy. Let’s go through and shorten it up a bit.

            Q1: Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business?

            ^ very to the point. What you had was way too wordy.

            Q2, this one you may want to split test. Some people may not open up to a stranger that they are not enjoying their jobs. But I love that you’re asking a yes or no question.

            You could also try:

            Fantastic! Are you planning/wanting to grow in 2019?

            Everything else looks super! You could ALSO try:

            Q3: Love it. If I could show you an easy way to help you scale your business, that makes good sense, would you have interest?

            4. Perfect. I have 2pm and 4pm available tomorrow for a quick chat. Which is best?

            That works! What’s your mobile?

            Talk soon,



          • #34468


              #1) Ok that’s really funny because it is literally a word for word copy from the PDF. “Swipe File – New Connections” (see attached snip from the PDF)

              #2) good point.  I will tweak that one.

              #3) Ok. I will look at that one too.  Not sure I like your wording (e.g. doesn’t have my voice) but I get the drift.

              4) so using a calendaring system is not recommended?

              • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Joseph.
            • #34494

              n d

                Hi @joseph! Sorry about the confusion regarding your Q1 – go ahead and use what you had. If you find that you want to split test with what I recommended, go for it.

                You can absolutely use your calendar scheduling – I just wanted to provide you other options as well.

                Excellent job!

              • #34497


                  I don’t think yours was a bad suggestion. Just might want to update the material.  😉

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