Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Live Q&A Call Questions THURSDAY (02.28.19) LIVE Q&A CALL

5 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Ed Benson 5 years, 7 months ago
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  • Author
    • #33052

      Matt test

        Post your questions below for the Live Q&A Call on Thursday 02.28.19

      • #33059

        Gae Callaway

          Would it be best to wat to add the things that cost till the website and book me’s are working?  I don’t seem to be getting the number to connect as great as I was getting.  Why do you suppose?

        • #33064

          Alessandra/Larry Williams Team

            Has my hero story been reviewed

          • #33091

            Ken Deshaies

              Halle asked me to share this, since I will not be on the Thursday call. I’m in a day-long Ninja Selling class. Have to say that my hit rate – number of connections accepted vs how many I sent – has gone through the roof. In the past few days, I’ve been getting 67% positive responses. For example, two days ago, I sent out 40 invitations to connect. 27 accepted. That has resulted in several ongoing conversations, one call yesterday, two today, more actively being scheduled for the next few days. A few responses were to schedule for Monday or Tuesday next week instead of this Friday.

              Had some wonderful calls. The two today want to circulate my information to their networks. Last one is a member of a group of professionals that meets monthly. He wants me to come as his guest to the next meeting, then be scheduled as a speaker.

              Strongly recommend everyone read “The Go Giver” by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Can read it in an evening and it is amazing. Focus on focusing on giving rather than receiving and the receiving will come on its own. Good partner read to “You2” (You Squared). I’m going to explore purchasing these books in bulk and giving them to people with whom I connect.

            • #33106

              filippa reading

                This is a comment more than anything: I kind of stopped in the program, because I thought I had to have the infomercial done before I continued. I’ve been totally stuck on the infomercial. I knew it would be a tough doing it (self criticizing) but I hit a road block (for a looooong time)! I finally send my video to Halle and told her that I HATE IT (the video)…then I decided to MOVE on in the program and F-K the infomercial…So, that’s where I am…moving forward…*smily face*



              • #33109

                Ed Benson

                  I received this reply to my first question, Thanks for your message. Feel free to see my linkedin profile. Thank you.

                  So my question is do I go ahead and send 2nd question or do I read his profile and then respond with something to him?

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