Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – Profile Reviews & Questions PLEASE REVIEW MY LINKEDIN PROFILE

7 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Donna Harris 5 years, 7 months ago
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    • #32743

      Donna Harris

        Please review my linked in profile. It was hard to say everything AND have testimonials all under 2000 characters!




        Thank you!!

      • #32752

        n d

          Hi @donna-harris! You did a really great job with your first draft! Below is my feedback:

          Profile Photo: Great photo! Very professional.

          You also need a better background photo. I want you to also email our graphic designer, Lindsey, and tell her a little about your field of business and she can create something for you to use.



          Looks GREAT!!


          Your first 2 sentences of your summary are the MOST important.

          How about you ask 3 POWERFUL pain point questions your clients struggle with.

          What are their pain points? “Tired of _____” “Want _______ but CANT?” “Are you ______?” THEN, after you list pain points, say HOW you can help them and WHAT exactly you do to help them achieve that.

          Also, your paragraphs are a bit chunky and need better organization. (check out the example I provided and look at the format which you can COPY)


          So far you have 4 testimonials, let’s keep it to 2-3 one sentence testimonials. Here is an example:


          You want to provide information that is:

          Telling your readers WHO you work with, HOW you help them and WHY they should work with you. It’s nice to educate them but not throughout the entire profile.

          Call To Action:

          You need one!

          If you’re ready for _______ then message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

          Please tag me in your revision!! 🙂

        • #32761

          Donna Harris

            Thank you for the feedback… I’ve emailed Lindsey for a new header image, but other than that, everything’s been corrected… I think…



          • #32776

            n d

              Hi @donna-harris! Nice job revising! There’s still a lot of “i” and “my” in your profile – try to replace them with “you” if possible.

              Did you look at the examples that I provided?

              I’d love for you to copy their format – such as Kent’s and add your own information to it so you can effortlessly lead them through your sales letter.

              Does that make sense?

              Have your short testimonials and THEN add in your call to action at the end.


            • #32795

              Donna Harris

                Apparently I don’t understand what you’re wanting because you told me to list the 3 pain points and then say how I can help, but then you want me to copy Kent’s and Marcus’, which don’t mention pain points at all. In the initial exercise, it talked about being a little personable and mention hobbies and family, which I did, but neither Kent’s not Marcus’ does that… My perception of the initial exercise is to include little bits of different things, that included family and volunteering, which I did. Why is it an exercise if that’s not what it’s supposed to look like?

                I’m not going to just copy and paste another realtor’s profile. The way his is written is not the way I present myself so it’s not going to work for me. I’m trying to take the feedback in the best light, but copying isn’t my thing.


              • #32803

                n d

                  Hi @donna-harris, I completely understand but that is the format that we teach in the program – it is not copying. For example, here’s how I would make changes to the format of your profile to be more enticing.

                  Do you like to entertain, but CAN’T because you’re packed in your home like sardines?

                  Are your kids SICK of sharing the 1 bathroom available?

                  TIRED of parking in the driveway, but can’t fit your car in the garage?

                  Did you just cringe at each of these questions?

                  If so, I know exactly how you feel!

                  Let me help YOU sell your non-functioning house while putting an extra $13k in your pocket!

                  Yep. You heard that right!

                  My listings sell faster AND at a higher % of asking price.

                  My marketing drums up so much activity – more than 32% of my listings last year received multiple offers. NO LIE!

                  What’s better?

                  With the right marketing plan tailored to your property’s individual needs, you’ll get top dollar too!

                  WHEN YOU WORK WITH ME:

                  You will work DIRECTLY with me. You will not be passed around a team, never knowing who to call for questions.

                  HOW I HELP:

                  I educate AND hand-hold you every step of the way, and I answer your calls!

                  If there’s a change in the market, you’ll hear it from me. I do not cherry-coat or over-promise so you get honest, straight-forward, and blunt information.

                  You don’t get “AVERAGE” when you work with me…

                  Many days, I get more negotiating done before 10 am than most people do all week!


                  “After a horrible experience with another Realtor, we found Donna! She was very easy to communicate with and she understood what we were trying to accomplish. The whole process went smoothly and I recommend her to everyone.” Seller/Buyer

                  “Donna Harris is a superb real estate agent! I really felt like she was in my corner. Sold my home very quickly and at a great price.” Seller

                  “I keep asking people if they are selling their house, so I can refer you!” Seller/Buyer

                  As a married mom 2 kids who keep me active, I’m a true Austin LOCAL. If we’re not out exploring different parts of Austin, we’re wakeboarding on Lake Travis or at various Gymnastics meets across the state.

                  What time I have left is spent volunteering at places like Habitat for Humanity and the Central Texas Food Bank.

                  If you’re READY to make a change… then message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

                  ^ that is kind of the vibe I was going for. Hope this helps provide more clarity on my feedback and my apologies on any confusion. Thanks, Donna!

                • #32805

                  Donna Harris

                    Ok, makes more sense. I thought you wanted me to copy almost word for word of the 17 words and the story. I didn’t understand that you wanted each sentence to be its own paragraph set off on its own…

                  • #32812

                    Donna Harris


                      I tried to use exactly what you wrote, but it was over characters by a couple hundred, so I had to still edit some words out and change some sentence structure around. When I saw Marcus’ and it’s basically a copy and paste of Kent’s words, that’s what I thought you wanted. I’m so glad I could make my words fit the structure you were looking for.


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