Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Realtors 4 Questions – INVESTORS

6 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Sharon wu Wu 5 years, 2 months ago
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    • #32105

      Sharon wu Wu

        Can we have one set for the investor clients?


      • #32121

        n d

          Hi @sharon-wu! Here’s what we have for investors that you can use as a guideline:

          1. Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business?

          2. Perfect! What do you like investing in?

          3. Nice!. Do you have any real estate and/or a business you’ve considered buying?

          4. Fantastic. If I could help you find some investment opportunities that make good sense, would you have interest?

          Q4: What are a few time windows that you have tomorrow?

          2pm works perfect

          Q5: What’s your mobile?

          Great. I’ll call you at 2pm.

          Talk soon,


        • #35752

          Sharon wu Wu



            The previous set of investor questions doesn’t work.  After I asked them “what do you like to investing in?” they either did not response back any more or they said stock or mutual fund.

            How do I direct them to start a conversation regarding to real estate investment?

            What works now is

            Q1 “Great to connect, what makes you interested to connect with me?”

            some of them reply that I connect to them first than I reply back with “what’s your core business?”

            Q2 “Interesting, what part of town are you in?”

            Some of them don’t really need more business, so they don’t really care “I have a fairly large network that might benefit you.”  Some even tell me not to waste their time.

            So far I have 2200+ connections on LinkedIn.  After I started tracking the 4 Qs, I have 2 saying they are interested to find out what I have mentioned in my profile out of the 600 connections I keep tracked.

            Any tips for me to lead or start the conversation to have them talk about the real estate investment?

          • #35761

            n d

              Hi @sharon-wu, thanks for reporting back on those questions!

              Since you’re already asking their core business, take out “what makes you interested to connect with me?”

              In my opinion, that is just wasting valuable time and they aren’t going to go back and forth with you.

              So, just stick to:

              “Great to connect, [name]! What’s your core business?”

              What are they saying after:

              “Q2 “Interesting, what part of town are you in?”

              What you could do is ask Q1 like I recommended and use Q2 to hop on the phone with them.

              You could just say:

              Q2: Love it! I have a couple of awesome strategies that are perfect for you! What are a couple of time windows you have available to chat?

              You can of course tweak the above but let’s see how it goes with just 2 questions!

              • #35765

                Sharon wu Wu


                  I don’t need suggestion on what’s already working for my Q1 and Q2 to get them connected and open up for conversation.  Some of them doesn’t even have a business, so your advise is useless.  Sorry.

                  @halle-eavelyn I need a suggestion for the Q3 or Q4 to lead them to open up for the topic about real estate investing, otherwise we will just waste each other’s time beating the bushes.

              • #35766

                Halle Eavelyn

                  @sharon-wu, that was a little unkind to @negeen-dargahi, who is only attempting to help 🙁

                  I DO agree with all of Negeen’s comments.  If the 4 questions aren’t working for you; use 2.  And please rewatch the 4 Questions Training video (in that lesson) because you want to get them on the phone.  Only.  The end.  So qualifying them in the message isn’t going to help because as you can see, that’s why they’re not replying.

                  We discussed this somewhat on the call yesterday.  I hope that was helpful to you!

                  If you’re still having trouble after reading my response and watching the video, message me here in this thread.  I’d just GO FOR IT right now!!

                  PS.  Sorry about the scammer – it’s only one guy, though!!

                  • #35767

                    Sharon wu Wu

                      @halle-eavelyn Don’t worry about the scammer, I already throw him behind.  There are plenty of them out there.  I am already used to it.  It’s just that guy sounds very real.  I could be right and lose my time to proof it, or I could be wrong and get into trouble.  Either way I am not winning so I’ll just learn the lesson and move on.

                      My problem is, no matter whether it’s 4Q, 2Q or get on the call, I don’t know how to lead the conversation to my direction.  Another word, I am not the “alpha” by nature.  And that’s something I need to spend lots of time and effort to learn and practice when changing career from sitting behind the desk to face to face with people.   Don’t laugh at me, sometimes I don’t even know how to ask the questions, so I just learn when others asked the same questions that I have but don’t know how to ask them.  That’s why I encourage everyone to post their questions so I can quickly refer to the Q&A videos for the answers.

                      I agree  @kent-littlejohn has great idea to treat the call as the survey to find out what’s their pain point.  I probably not only have to go back to the 4 questions training video, also need to review the sales call portions too and see if I can come up with any set of survey questions or scrips for the call.  I just thought that you are very good at this, maybe you have a quick fix for me.  Thanks and I will GO FOR IT now 😉

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