5 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 7 months ago
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  • Author
    • #31820

      Rich Steffen


        Why am I not able to find the recording of the 01/31/19coaching call?

      • #31876

        n d

          Hi @rich-steffen! I’ve been looking into this for you and after speaking with Matt, I found out that there was an issue with the recorded file. Matt has reached out to Zoom and will be following up with them to see if they’re able to retrieve the lost file.

          If there is an answer to a question that you asked that you are awaiting the answer to, I suggest either waiting a few more days for the recording to uncover OR re-ask the question in the live call forum.

          So sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. I’ll be sure to update you as soon as I have any news.

          Thank you!

        • #31881

          Rich Steffen


            Thanks for getting back. I will wait a few days and check back.

          • #31890

            n d

              Hi @rich-steffen – please let me know what questions you need to be answered and I’ll forward them to @matt-barcus so can keep moving forward.

              Thank you!

            • #31902

              Rich Steffen


                Here are the questions I posed for the 01/31/19 Q&A call.

                1. Does a video uploaded to LI look different if I use a link from YouTube instead of just uploading directly to LI?
                2. Editing my videos – last week some one mentioned Quicktime – I was unable to find a way to upload my infomercial video that was taken on my I-Phone to Quicktime. Is there a better editing platform to use?
                3. Searching for Groups on LI – if I click on “not interested” does that prevent me from being able to go back to that group in the future?
                4. Using Navigator – in the postal code box, can I enter more than one zipcode at the same time? (I am considering Navigator – do not have it yet)


              • #31922

                n d

                  Tagging you in this @matt-barcus

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