3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 8 months ago
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  • Author
    • #30525

      Jennifer Davis


        It is suggested that I post on Linkedin daily. Do you have suggestions on what to post or where to find interesting material? I am a realtor.



      • #30539

        n d

          Hi @jen-davis! Sure thing!

          Here are some suggestions:

          • you can post relevant articles that your connections may find interesting
          • you can write your own articles based on tips you’ve gained through your position such as:
            • 5 Ways To Prep Your House For A Showing
            • 7 Tips on _________
            • How To ______ WITHOUT ______
            • Don’t Make This BIG Mistake Without Getting A Realtor
          • any type of content – you can even ask your connections a question and ask them to comment on their response below

          Hope this helps inspire you 🙂

        • #30544

          Jennifer Davis



            Thanks, Negeen. That is helpful! Do you still do the technology calls on Monday at 11 and Wed. at 6? I want to connect with you on one of those this week. Have a great weekend!




          • #30554

            n d

              Hi @jen-davis! Yes, that is correct!

              Sounds good and thank you, you too 🙂

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