Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Live Q&A Call Questions Thursday (12.27.18) Live Q&A Call Questions

6 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Matt test 5 years, 9 months ago
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  • Author
    • #29988

      Matt test

        Post your questions below for the Live Q&A Call on Thursday 12.27.18

      • #29991

        Jennifer Davis


          I am going through the sales script that Anthony presents so well in Module 4.  However, I am trying to reconfigure this process for residential real estate calls and am not at all sure how to do it! I understand the concept – it is brilliant – but it is pretty obvious why someone would call a realtor. It is either to help them find a house or sell one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Jennifer


        • #29994

          Gae Callaway

            I did a rough draft of my hero story on something like this form and now I can’t find it.  Any ideas?


            I also asked somewhere else about the client journey.  On the first block when it talks about the email traffic, I didn’t understand on just what you put there?

          • #29998

            Jennifer Davis


              I am going through the sales script that Anthony presents so well in Module 4. However, I am trying to reconfigure this process for residential real estate calls and am not at all sure how to do it! I understand the concept – it is brilliant – but it is pretty obvious why someone would call a realtor. It is either to help them find a house or sell one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Jennifer

              PS I fully intend to be on that call tomorrow, however, we have company coming in from out of state tomorrow. If I cannot make it, please let me know what time to check for my answer. Thanks so much!


            • #30034

              Rich Steffen

                Being the “What If” person that I apparently am 🙂 here are my questions. And I am not trying to wear you guys out.

                1. Started the program by having bankruptcy/divorce/estate attorneys as being my Avatar, but after time in the program thinking that might not be the right route. Kent said we should have 4-5 Avatars and that gave me pause for thought (What If) so posed the question to Nageen. Her response was, “For your LI summary, only focus on ONE avatar. This is so your potential lead doesn’t get confused by who you are talking to. The more direct, the better. You can always do what Kent did in his profile and put:
                  <p class=”p2”>WHO I WORK WITH: _____, _____, ____</p>

                  So if only 1 Avatar, is making it an attorney a good idea or should I be focused on an end client? How do I incorporate the additional Avatars?

                2. In the 4 Questions Video, Halle mentions our determining whether the connection is a good fit. Is there criteria for that?
                3. Kent had interview with agent that did $78K in short period of time then said he changed his focus to recruiting agents. Did he create a whole new page/profile/summary with new URL?
                4. On a call it was mentioned that 55% of the HEC clients are real estate agents. Any possibility of getting links to the LI pages of some of the ones you are experiencing success with HEC?
              • #30043

                Alessandra/Larry Williams Team

                  I did receive Halle hero story overview path, did I submit my hero accelerator already? They allowed me to proceed to the next module that is why I am asking thank you @matt-barcus

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