Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – “4-Question” Reviews Submission – "Trojan Horse" Questions – For Review

4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 10 months ago
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    • #28095

      Paul McGaha

        Four Questions:

        Question 1:

        Hello <name>!  Thanks for connecting on LinkedIn.  What’s your core business?

        Question 2:

        We both work with commercial and industrial properties!  Have you ever worked with environmental consultants?

        Question 3:

        How do you know when an environmental consultant is doing a good job?

        Question 4:

        I think we can help each other; can you take a call in the next day or so?

      • #28161

        n d

          Hi @paul-mcgah, nice start on your 4 questions! Below is my feedback:

          I’d like you to watch Halle’s “4 QUESTIONS” video in the Tranformational Business Strategy Module. The reason being, your questions are qualifying too much.

          Below is an example of what we want your questions to look like.

          Remember, you want to keep things as short and sweet as possible, so your Q1 can be fixed to:

          Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business?

          I’m also not very clear on what you do. Can you tell me your field of business and what you hope to help these prospects with?

          The example below (you can use this if applicable):

          1. Great to connect ‘NAME’… what’s your core business?

          2. Fantastic. Are you planning/wanting to grow in 2018?

          3. Love it. If I could show you an easy way to add (profits) to your bottoms line fast, would you have interest?

          4. Perfect. I have 2pm and 4pm available tomorrow for a quick chat. Which is best?

          That works! What’s your mobile?

          Talk soon,


        • #28289

          Paul McGaha


            Thanks for the input. I did listen to Halle’s “4 Questions” video.

            I am an environmental consultant and all my work relates to the cleanup of contamination on property. As a result, my service focuses on both property AND people. I really don’t want to talk to just anyone. Qualifying my prospect for the property as well as the person was intended. In my industry the targeted people can be defined as banks, insurance agencies, owners, operators, investors, developers, etc., but only if they deal with contaminated property. I get that I will be focusing my calls to individuals that are somewhat pre-qualified based on the LinkedIn search, but I am worried about a high rate of fruitless communication without qualifying for both property and people. I would like to hear your feedback on this concern and learn if you would suggest four questions that would qualify a prospect for property as well as the person.

            In the meantime, here’s a second crack at the four questions:

            Question 1:
            Hello ! Thanks for connecting on LinkedIn. What’s your core business?

            Question 2:
            Are you looking for ways to cut costs next year?

            Question 3:
            Would you be interested in learning how I may be able to save your company time and money?

            Question 4:
            Great, please send me your cell number I will call you tomorrow. What time between 12 and 2 pm tomorrow will work best for you?



          • #28293

            Paul McGaha

              After re-reading, I really only have three questions.  The second and third questions are somewhat repetitive.  Back to the drawing board.  Perhaps I could qualify the prospect in question 2?

            • #28388

              n d

                Hi @paul-mcgah, this would be a great question to ask on the live call!

                Please look back above at the feedback I provided – we’ve made sure to make this as effective of an approach as possible. We want you to use the LEAST amount of time qualifying and the most amount of time just sending questions and getting as many people on the phone with you ASAP.

                For your Q1, you want to keep it as short and sweet as possible. Try:

                Q1: Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business?

                ^ this personalizes it by adding their name and using fewer words.

                Q2 is a hit or miss. A potential hit because it’s a yes or no question… but also a potential miss because it’s personal. You could also consider trying:

                Q2: Perfect. What’s your main focus this year?

                (when they answer, this is a great time to ask one of your questions)

                Q3: Love it! I have a couple awesome strategies to help your company time and money! What are a couple time windows you have available to chat?

                ^ how do you like those???

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