Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Live Q&A Call Questions Tuesday (11.13.18) Live Q&A Call Questions

9 replies, 9 voices Last updated by Danny Fernandez 5 years, 10 months ago
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  • Author
    • #27715

      Tony Liddic

        Post your questions below for the Live Q&A Call on Tuesday 11.13.18

      • #27749

        Gae Callaway

          I am needing help with the Avatar and Profile.  I have done a lot on both but don’t know if it is sufficient.  Help please.

          • #27834

            n d

              Hi @gae-callaway, here is a link to see the feedback I provided. You still need to implement the feedback – you don’t have enough information in the summary section of your profile.

              LinkedIn Profile Review

              Thank you!

          • #27778

            Danny Fernandez

              Hi, everyone!

              I am getting crazy thinking about the webinars and I am really stuck in those Modules. To be honest I am not seeing the connection between the webinar and my business. I am a builder in South West Florida, and the process in this business takes time and depends on many variants (if the client has cash, if the client is pre-approved, etc). I think is kind of different when you are selling a course, coach, or product. So, I don’t know how to focus and create a webinar for my target.

              Could you give me a hand? I will appreciate your comments.

              Thank you,

            • #27824

              Ronald Wardell

                How do you automate and/or message on facebook, videos and call to action links.  Example is attached I get these all the time?

              • #27827

                Kendra Sanders

                  I would like to connect directly with Real Estate Residential Sellers. I am on the free version of linkedin not sales navigator. I am a member of a couple groups but the city is not listed next to the member names, so I have to click on tons of profiles before I even see 1 person who lives in the same city. Its not efficient and not allowing me to ask the question “whats your core business”. I’m feeling like this is a new age way of picking up the phone book and just making hundreds of phone calls until you randomly stumble across someone who is interested.

                  Since its so difficult for me to find individuals in groups who live in my city I have been asking 1st connections in my city the question “whats your core business” they visit my profile and see that I’m a Realtor and do not respond.

                  I see how to sort: people, 1st connections, city. However there doesn’t seem to be a way to sort group connections by city.

                  I’m feeling frustrated that I can’t get the program to work as a Realtor. Can you connect me with another Realtor to see how they are making the program work?

                  Maybe its not meant to connect directly with sellers, maybe its best to connect with referral partners instead of actual Sellers (However I was sold on connecting with buyers or sellers, since I can connect very easy on my own with any lender, insurance provider, home inspector.)

                  Please help me make the program work. It is a big investment that I actually can’t afford. So I need this to work to recoup my investment.

                  I have an appointment today from 11:30 – 2pm.  If this is best not shared on the group call feel free to call me after 2pm today 770-652-4494 or let me know another time that works best… I really need help


                • #27830

                  Carolyn M Johnson

                    I have the same issues as Ron Wardell. I am in FL and on a borrowed iPad in a truck heading to Tampa – trying to be with you today and it’s not 8am as normally in Vegas- YAY!

                  • #27839

                    Elle Ebizadeh

                      Good morning,

                      where can I find few sample of 30 second infomercial for real estate agents – thank you

                    • #27892

                      Danny Fernandez

                        @danny-fernandez Listen to call at 33 mins in for some info on your question.


                        Thanks Anthony.  Where exactly can I find the audios?


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