Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week WINS OF THE WEEK!! 11/6/2018

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    • #27381

      Halle Eavelyn

        @rilaine-johnson has had 7 conversations, 3 market analyses, one new listing appointment, and 54 new connections since the beginning of the month – she is ON FIRE!!!

        @stephen-freedman just went through the Science of Getting Rich videos and the book and LOVED IT!! His biggest takeaway was about watering the POSITIVE TREE and ignoring the NEGATIVE TREE – and his first example was getting ROCKSTAR PARKING!!! WOOHOO!!

        @claudia-dill got to do 2 investor presentations this week and did a big mindset (and marketing) shift and got the house that felt like a millstone RENTED and is on her way to renting the next one, too!!!  CONGRATS!!

        @laura-barker has already hit her goal of the MONTH to do 4 groups in THE FIRST WEEK!!! She’s going to REWARD HERSELF and then RAISE HER GOAL to another 4!! AWESOME!!!

        @jody-miller has had her TedTalk hit over 500K views!! And her new podcast, The Misogi Method has hit up as high as 7 in the Society and Culture segment!  AMAZING!!

        @ann-sansbury got in front of an asset manager for Wells Fargo and she added her infomercial to her signature the link is called “get to know me in 77 seconds or less” WOOHOO!!!

        @rafi-rodriguez two new prospects contacted him through LI, he’s meeting with an advisor who wants to join his team, and he’s speaking tonight at the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash on the same topic as his upcoming book: Success With An Accent: a Hispanic Perspective CONGRATULATIONS!!

        @jaime-gomez appeared in 17 searches this week – keep up the GREAT WORK!!

        @richard-farb sent out his first message to his contacts and folks are responding, so he’s feeling good about his PROGRESS!! YAY!!

        @halle-eavelyn started her next book, the sequel to Red Goddess Rising.  I’M EXCITED!!!


        @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi @amanda-hendrickson  @alison-liddic @anthony-hendrickson @wilson-smith @kate-marshall-2  @john-carey @matt-mead @staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen

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