4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Halle Eavelyn 5 years, 11 months ago
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    • #25253

      Kurt Axt
        I always wanted to give my children more than I was given, and to have Love in their lives. More Love is some thing I feel I had missing in my childhood. I know that my parents loved us, but they didn’t say the words. I want my girls to be comfortable saying “I love you Mom and Dad”.
        I also want them to know that there is nothing that they can’t do or have in life. It took me years to learn that. I’m still learning that every day. I feel like I’m constantly growing and learning.
        While raising my family money was always an issue for us, because we wanted so much for our girls. I would deliver the morning news paper for extra money. for those that are familiar with this job you know how difficult this is. For those that don’t it means getting up at 4 am every day, seven day a week, 365 days a year. I would do this with my job as a letter carrier with the postal service. I felt it was important for my wife to stay at home for the girls. During these times I also worked all the over time that was available. Sometimes the overtime stopped, and I needed to do other things. I delivered pizza on the weekends, and even drove a limo, that didn’t last long. I would be required to stay overnight if the client needed it.
        I have always liked to help people ever since I was young. I also like to see their reaction when I would do it without them asking me. It made me feel good to see them smile.
        As a letter carrier most do the job, as a job. I always looked to see who I could help if they needed it or if they would ask. It felt good to do this. I was given an award for this twice in my career as a letter carrier. The first one is when I noticed a person I didn’t recognize at the door of an elderly man that I know has no family. I noticed the customer at the window pointing at the stranger, I could see that he was upset and worried , knowing he was alone with no family. He reminded me of my father who passed away when I was younger. I approached this stranger and asked what he wanted? He tells me he’s giving roofing estimates, so I ask who he works for, and he said himself, ok, I said, do you have a business card? No he said. it was at this point that I knew he was up to no good.
        With that answer I tell him that I knew he was there to take advantage of elderly people, and that he needs to leave now or I will call the police.
        When I spoke with my postal customer after he left he tells me that he was there to check his cable service. I could tell he was visibly shaken.With this new information I call the police. While listening to my information about what happened they connect me to Major crimes division. Then the person tells me that someone will be there shortly, for me to calm the older gentleman down.
        After talking to and calming him down I walk outside to see if the person is still around. Then I notice another person walking toward me and looking straight at me too. He walked past me then turned around and pulled his badge out from under his shirt and asked if I was the one who called the police? I said yes, and gave him all the information I had. He said someone will be in touch.
        A few days latter I had a meeting with a detective. I learned that they were watching me from a plane, they knew I wasn’t one of the crew they were following, but after my interaction with him they all 6 of them got in their cars and left to another neighborhood.
        They caught them latter breaking into other houses.
        In all they caught 12 people and assets in 6 states with over 6 million dollars worth of cash and jewelry in safety deposit boxes.
        I was asked to testify at the trial. One defense lawyer asked me if it was my job as a letter carrier to get involved like this. I said no, it’s my job as a human being to get involved like this.
        After we left and waiting for our ride another one of the defense lawyers thanked me, wishing I was his mother’s letter carrier, she won’t leave her home where she stays by herself.
        I like to take time with my clients explaining the process with them to be sure they understand. I feel that having that knowledge is most important.
        I always assure them that it’s ok if they didn’t understand something, just let me know and I will explain it again. Knowledge is Power. They always feel better knowing that I will answer all of their questions.
        Case in point. I have a niece who was interested in purchasing a home. I guided her along but she didn’t want to follow my instructions and she told me that she was going to wait.
        Well I didn’t hear from her for a few weeks. Then I get the call of her in panic mode. After hearing what happened an hour latter. I then start the path of helping her.
        She tells me that her friend knew of another agent that could help her. So on her own she started working with that agent, who didn’t have her best interest first.
        That agent took for a ride. Using other people in her company to do all of the things needed to go to closing. ( like the mortgage, inspections and insurance people. Who were all to happy to take her money) Knowing that she wouldn’t qualify for the loan.
        It broke my heart seeing her in this place, but it was her choice. I didn’t get upset with her for not calling me first, I just got everything straightened out.
        Then I got to work on getting her approved for her to buy her first house.
        She would tell me that the other agent would never return her calls, text or emails. It’s unfortunate that so many agents do this. They would abandon their clients like this. This is my biggest pet-peeve.
        I return all calls, texts and emails.
        I had a young couple buying their first home. They told me their price range and what type of home they wanted. They were actively searching also, and would send me addresses of the ones they wanted to see. They were always finding homes over the price range they set.
        On one occasion they found a house that they absolutely loved. It was over priced and had a lot of defects through out. I sensed that the both of them really liked this property. They were already claiming ” what they wanted to do to THEIR house”. As we were going around the place, I would be pointing out different problems. The husband would come back with how he can fix that, and he has a friend that can fix this. With every problem I found he would shut me down. He wanted this house no matter what. I knew that if they bought this house it would be one problem after another.
        So they wanted me to write the offer, despite my concerns that I pointed out to them, they still wanted to put an offer in.
        Our next step was the home inspection. This is where I knew they would realize all the issues I was showing them. The inspector would confirm what I was talking about.
        They were set on buying this house. Even after the inspector showed them that the foundation has shifted and needed to be lifted up to be properly fixed.
        After having another meeting later, they finally understood my concerns and pulled the offer.
        We latter found another house that was bigger, cheaper and move in condition.
        They were so happy that I never gave up on having them see the bigger picture, and saved them from a bunch of repair work and headaches.
        They can now focus on making this home theirs.
        I always knew that I wanted to help others. I started working when I was 11 years old by delivering flyers at the butcher shop my big brother worked at. The owners liked to see my enthusiasm and gave my a job working in the store when I turned 12. I worked on Sunday’s scrubbing the wooden floorboards. and cleaning out the meat cases. It wasn’t long until I was making sandwiches and slicing lunch meat for customers.
        I would find work easily, it kept me busy. This was also the time that my mother passed away. I was only 12, and didn’t really understand. It was a sad time for us. I was the middle child. With three older and three younger siblings. My father did his best with what he knew. He drove a tractor trailer and was good at it, 25 years of safe driving for the same company. All that loyalty meant nothing when the company closed. This was all he knew. He lost his confidence, and never was able to find another job. He also passed away. He was only 59
        My biggest goal in life was to provide a good life for my family. I never stopped trying earn additional income. Delivering the newspaper every day before going to my full time job as a letter carrier for the US Postal service. After that job I would deliver pizza three nights a week. On Sunday I spent the day with my girls. This was our day to be together as a family. It was going good for a while.
        My wife started to notice that I was starting to get burned out from all the hours I was working. She new me better than I knew myself when it came to my health. I would just press on no matter how tired I would be. It was then she suggested that I think about real estate. She would listen to me talk about how I would know when my postal customers would move after only being there for a few short years.
        So with this new idea in my head I went back to school at night and earned my credits to take the state exam. I was told by so many agents how they failed the test, so I was worried, and that made me even more focused on passing this exam. It appears I was worried for nothing, I passed with no problem.
        If you have any knowledge of the post office employees you already know this, for everyone else they can be a negative bunch, also know that there were great people there too. (I try to surround myself with the latter)
        I would be told by my fellow carriers that I was a fool to think that I could make it as a Realtor. That I would be like so many of them with dreams shattered when looking for a better life.
        I had a goal to be the go to agent for everyone I would meet. I was know in the area as the (mail man realtor) people knew that they could trust me to do the job that needed to be done. I have a STRONG work ethic, and everyone knew this. I was never to busy to listen to my customers, even if they weren’t going to be a client.
        It didn’t take long for my fellow carriers to see that I was going to do well with this new career, and that they could come to me with their real estate questions.
        Having this new opportunity open up for me was big. I could see a new and bigger future for me. However when I was looking for a real estate company to work for, I was told that I couldn’t do both jobs. I would need to be at their office for meetings and take mandatory classes required by the company. NO exceptions!
        Needless to say I found a company, and I was productive. It wasn’t long that that same company, that said I couldn’t do both jobs was asking for me to join them. The way they put it was “I proved that I could do both jobs” I thanked them for the offer, but decided to stay where I was.
        While I was happy with my career choice, I was looking to do better. One thing I wanted was a nice car. Having a nice car in the area I was working in was important for some people. including my coworkers at the post office,It showed them that I was successful as a Realtor. I was able to get my dream car.
        Funny story about this. While I was delivering my postal route someone came up to me to express a concern he had about missing letters from his grandmother. He told me that she would send him cards with cash in it, and that he wasn’t getting them. I told him that he needs to contact the inspection service, and they would be better equipped to help his situation. He then said that he notice a mailman driving this really nice car and that he may be responsible for his missing cards from his grandmother. I asked him why he thought this way? He says that a mailman couldn’t afford that kind of expensive car. I asked him what kind of car he was talking about. Yes, He was talking about my car. I just smiled at him and said, that’s my car and that I had no need or desire to steal from him or anyone, I worked hard for what I have. His jaw drooped. I again repeated that he needs to call the inspection service about his missing mail.
        My plan was to work at both jobs until I had my 30 years in at the post office, and retire. Little did I know that there was going to be a change in this plan. In 2013 I fell onto my knees while delivering mail in the snow. I was fine for a while. Received treatments (injections to the knees) for 3 years, until I couldn’t walk any more. I had replacement surgery on both knees in August of 2016. Afterwards I returned to work in November. It was difficult, but in May of 2017 I was unable to continue deliver mail. Walking became painful, my blood pressure was critically high. I needed to change my lifestyle before it was too late.
        So my wife and I decided to make a BIG change. I would leave the post office in January 2018, and move to North Carolina. Two of my daughters have already moved there and we missed them so much.
        My wife Arlene is my biggest supporter and fan. If it wasn’t for her my life wouldn’t be what it is today. It was Arlene who suggested that I leave the post office and do real estate full time. With her support and encouragement that gave me the drive to move forward with this plan. I was again faced with returning to school to pass the North Carolina real estate exam. Research showed me that there was a high failure rate of out of state agents. I was focused and driven to pass.
        After passing the state exam, North Carolina licensing requires that all agents receive three 30 hour classroom post license courses. They give you three years to do this. I did this in two months. I was driven to complete all classes and begin my new life in North Carolina.
        Making this move to a new state, leaving all our friends and family behind was hard. We lived in Philadelphia our whole life. We were in the same house for 25 years. A lot of memories made there.
        After finding our new house in NC. We started the process of moving. This was even more difficult for me due to my knee trouble. This process of buying out of state and selling our home had it’s troubles also. I knew we needed to hire movers. So I did my homework and hired a company. As with any real estate closing there are a lot of moving parts with selling and buying within a day or so. After multiple closing date changes for both sides, we had a confirmed closing date.
        Then a week before closing my mover canceled out on us. First they asked if we could push the moving date back a few days.We were able to do this because the buyers of my house were not moving until the next week. Then the movers completely canceled the move.
        So here I am, my wife and daughters are all in NC and I’m in Philly trying to get my stuff moved. Talk about being stressed out, (not good for my blood pressure) My daughters came through with the help of their young male friends to helm me pack and load the U-Hall truck.
        I feel that my family (my brothers and sisters) are like most. We are there for each other when we really need them, and not there when we need them. It seams strange when I say that out loud. When I told them about my plans of moving, they were apprehensive. Saying “why so far”, and it’s such a long drive, making it hard to visit. Even though we lived close, we never really visited much. I was a ten minute drive from one of my brothers and sister and we didn’t see each other much. So I wasn’t surprised that when I was moving and had the problem with the movers that they couldn’t help. Disappointed again. So at least now there’s a good reason for not visiting. Ha Ha. Life goes on.So I did what’s best for me and my children.
        I was the middle child, three older siblings and three younger. At twelve years old my mother passed away suddenly at 39. She was the rock that held everything in place. My life turned upside down. She was the disciplinary that kept us all in check. My father was always working driving a truck all day.
        We had help from neighbors and others during that time, but didn’t have positive guidance. We were left to figure things out on our own.
        I knew when I grew up that Love was important for a family to grow and flourish, I knew this because I didn’t have it and I longed to feel it. During the next few years I watched my family grow apart. At 19 my father passed away from a long battle with lung cancer. Living through that was one of the hardest things for me. I drove him to all his treatments and grew closer to him than anyone else. In the end he was in so much pain and constantly coughing, all I could see was how much of an inconvenience he was to me. ( this was one of my biggest struggles I had to overcome, my feeling of guilt)
        This is how I found out what kind of family I wanted to have. LOVE!
        I wanted my daughters to have a strong and loving relationship with my wife and I. I always made it a point to say and show them just how much we love them. As a father of three girls, I knew that things would be expensive, and I wanted to provide for them. With this in mind I worked all that I could. Christmas was big in our house. My wife and I wanted to get everything we could for our girls. We would start in August getting things we thought they would like. I remember growing up and not getting the things I wanted, and being disappointed.
        This is the last thing that I wanted for my kids to experience. This has always been my driving force. Wanting more for my children than I had.
        When I first was unable to work as a letter carrier. I went through all of our savings and exhausted all my benefits at the post office. I filed for workers compensation. This took aver five months to kick in. So during this time I had no income coming in. I was fortunate that I was a Realtor. I had some closings, but not enough to pay all the bills. I was facing loosing our home. Depression was closing in on me quick. I contacted the mortgage company, and to my surprise they were sympathetic. They gave me the time needed to get back on track. Also all of my other creditors were just as understanding. It still took workers compensation two and a half years to allow my surgery. I never want to be in that situation again.
        So with all that was happening in my life, my knee surgery and not being able to work at the post office. My health suffering from all the stress. Arlene and I decided to do what was best for US!
        We moved, a major life change for us. Not sure where I would work and make a living. All we knew is that we needed to do this. We had faith that all would work out for us. We still miss all our friends and family in Philly, but we know this was our best choice.
        Arlene and I are now able to see all our children and grandchildren on a regular basis, having Sunday dinner together is one of my favorite thing I missed while we were in Philly. Now they are back at our house. Looking forward to making more memories together.
        I’m definitely not going to miss the Philadelphia winters.
        I’m now living my life in a house that I never thought I could have. Twice as big as the one in Philly. Over an acre of land and plenty of room for everyone to visit. My dog Duke couldn’t be happier with all the room to run.
        I can now spend full time with my Real Estate career. Helping others achieve their desire of buying their dream home. I have come to realize that anything can happen if you want. Believing in yourself is most important. Knowing that all will be well, and that everything will work out, and Happiness is a choice.
        I Choice Happiness!
      • #25255

        Kurt Axt


        • #25320

          n d

            Hi @kurt-axt! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us!

            I made sure to let @halle-eavelyn know you posted your hero story – she should get to this within the week!

            In the meantime, you can move forward through the program 🙂

            Hope you had a great flight home!



          • #27098

            Halle Eavelyn

              @negeen-dargahi, this isn’t a Hero Story, it’s @kurt-axt‘s posting of his ACCELERATOR, which I do not review.  Kurt, please review the Hero Story Overview Path posted in this forum, follow instructions, and complete your FIRST DRAFT.  I want to review what you feel like is your FINAL DRAFT.

              Thank you!!!

            • #27100

              Halle Eavelyn

                @negeen-dargahi, this isn’t a Hero Story, it’s @kurt-axt‘s posting of his ACCELERATOR, which I do not review.  Kurt, please review the Hero Story Overview Path posted in this forum, follow instructions, and complete your FIRST DRAFT.  I want to review what you feel like is your FINAL DRAFT.

                Thank you!!!

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