Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Live Q&A Call Questions Tuesday (9.11.18) Live Q&A Call Questions


9 replies, 7 voices Last updated by n d 6 years ago
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    • #22230

      Tony Liddic

        Post your questions below for the Live Q&A Call on Tuesday 9.11.18

      • #22243

        Kristen Mehr

          I know this has been asked a million times probably but I am newer….I just don’t see how for real estate this program can convert to listings and purchases with the exception of filling my database and hoping…

          I have reached out to over 500 folks, connected with 112, gotten through question 1 with 48 and gotten to question three with 13 and had four conversations.  Although conversation were fine and they are a great person to put on my database, I do not see how it will lead to any listings/purchases in the near future…

          Sorry for sounding frustrated, I just made a huge investment and feeling disappointed…love being a part of this community no matter what though…

          Examples of other realtors getting an actual listing and how would be helpful as well, just to see how it worked for them.

          Sorry for being so long winded.

          Kristen Mehr


        • #22260

          Kathryn Rimstidt

            @kent-littlejohn @negeen-dargahi


            I have two questions.


            One, similarly to the above, I’m having some trouble with the link between the LinkedIn conversations and my niche/goals.

            For me, I’m earlier in the process and having trouble shifting in to even questions that are generic but still a fit to connect with and explain support for those I have calls with.  I have my focus as a life coach supporting women in replacing anxiety, overwhelm, and stress from being at the center of one’s life to having self trust, love, and care being at the center.  So, I’m not even sure how to support them except in other life coach kind of ways….if they don’t fit this, but I understand the suggestion being to talk with everyone who replies.  I haven’t, though, like the person above had a bunch of calls partly because of another problem I’m having….how to coordinate my schedule when I offer to have a call with folks (second question below)

            So, I have trouble first finding a “real” response…with Negeen’s help, I’m using these…”Love it!  If I had a few simple strategies that would help you accomplish that, would you like me to share those with you?” doesn’t seem like a fit often when that’s not what I would tend to be discussing (Unless that is what I discuss even if it’s not at all “my area”?)…..and “Love It!  I think we could offer support to each other.  Would you like to set up a call to do this?” or something like that is not as engaging and harder to link to the call suggestion and then the call script doesn’t necessarily support this.

            And, I’m not sure how to go into the calls from these very well.  Do I just support them with whatever they brought up and then ask them for a referral in my area…..or do I try to link it to what I was proposing to do even when it doesn’t really feel an easy fit?


            Secondly, if I write/suggest, can you talk at ___ or ___ tomorrow….then I cannot offer___ or ____ to anyone else until I hear back from them (and I’m still waiting to hear back).  How do I adjust this?  I don’t have a lot of space in my calendar each day so I want to utilize the spaces well hopefully for someone who at least might be a fit (though I get we are not qualifying, so maybe that part isn’t an issue) and at the least make sure I can give a space to someone who wants one.  For example, the spaces I had offered for tomorrow and Thursday I haven’t heard back yet about, so I’d probably offer them to someone else, but then that seems (?) strange if they do get back and say they are free to say it’s already filled up.  Can I give a time-limit to reply?  And only offer one time slot?  And, how much time do I save?


            I know this stuff “works” for folks and I’m willing to do it, but I’m not quite sure how to do it from what I’ve heard.


            Thanks so much!,

          • #22271

            linda thompson

              In revising your projects/ publications/interests:

              Can you put in small pamphlets you’ve created for your client base?


              interests:  can you put in groups from facebook or just linkin groups?

            • #22295

              Bruce Graham

                Wow, I’ve been dealing with some of the issues stated above. I began connecting on LinkedIn with Attorneys and then realized that I wasn’t interested in helping them get more clients (though if that were to result from our interactions that would be great). What I wanted was to establish a relationship with them either as an investor or as a referral source. And I thought ‘they get hit up for these all the time so what makes me so special?’ Even as the Benevolent Alpha, I have yet to come up with a satisfactory answer. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

                In the meantime, I have shifted my focus to teachers and nurses. Just formed an awesome connection today with the Director of Safety and Sports for a large public school system. He is already a real estate investor and directed me to a friend of his who is promoting entrepreneurialism and has meeting space where he invites speakers to make presentations. I have already placed a call to him.

                My 2nd question regards formatting the LinkedIn profile section. Kent has space between certain of his text. I have tried to copy him but all of my text gets squished together. How do I get spaces between my lines?

                One more question, how do I make my contacts PRIVATE?

                Thank you. I’ll hang up now and listen for your answer. 🙂


              • #22298

                Bruce Graham

                  Another question – In Module 5, The Sales Process, we are being coached to uncover their problem. I agree that we need to do that but we reached out to them, they didn’t reach out to us. For a marketing pro like Kent, questions about the number and quality of the leads they are getting seems natural. If I’m reaching out to attorneys to convert them into an investor or a referral source to other potential investors, what might be a natural “Pain Question” that is neither too intrusive or too assumptive?

                • #22338

                  Ronald Wardell

                    Is there a way to save multiple leads in sales navigator at one time after you have sent a connection request.  I have only been able to save them one by one and it is time consuming?

                  • #22368

                    Kathryn Rimstidt

                      @negeen-dargahi @kent-littlejohn

                    • #22370

                      Kathryn Rimstidt

                        Oops!  I wanted to say thanks for the call.  Was sorry to not stay on for my question, but made choice to tend to my son.  I will talk more over them with you, Negeen.

                        You, Negeen, had suggested asking about the timing question to you, Kent, in terms of what to offer as timing options to folks so that I can offer spots to more people at a time while I wait to hear…whether to only offer one spot, etc.  (I also wondered how much space to save.  You mentioned 5 minutes on the call (I was able to stay on for most all of the question before mine being discussed) but I had thought we were having space to do the entire call script, I thought 30-45 minutes?  I might be a bit confused on how this works.  Maybe it’s meant to be a 5-10 minute call and then a longer follow-up if it’s a fit, which might make more sense.).  Anyway, I’ll definitely follow up with you, Negeen, and happy to hear other responses from you, Kent, or others.


                        Thanks so much!,
                        Kathryn (Kathryn.EH.Rimstidt@gmail.com is also fine to write directly.

                      • #22384

                        n d

                          @kent-littlejohn, can you take a look at Kathryn’s post above?

                          @kathryn-rimstidt, I’m a bit confused on your question above.

                          The way the live call works is we first do Wins Of The Week and then we go through the questions. If someone is not on the call when their question is addressed, we do our best to answer it with them not being on. Since your question was a little bit more hands-on, we could not answer it on this call.

                          I hope this clears up any confusion 🙂

                          Also, in a few words, can you ask your question below – I would like to have a better understanding of your overall question.




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