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    • #20898

      Mark Harrison

        I’m really confused!   I have been following the program adding contacts sending out introductions and I noticed that I had a pile up of those that haven’t responded to invitations.   I thought that it was just a part of the process like with mailers only a certain percentage ever respond.   I noticed that recently my invitations weren’t going out.   I contacted LinkedIn and they said that I was only supposed to contact people I know.   I’m completely confused.   That is completely opposite of what I’ve been learning.   I don’t need the site at all for people I know I have Facebook for that.   They asked that I go back and remove the invitations I sent except for those I know and only respond to those I’m familiar with.   I would like someone to call me because this is incredibly awkward.   I don’t know what to do.    I have spent hours getting geared up to market on LinkedIn and lots of money.   I’m not used to doing things that aren’t by the book.   My industry is heavily regulated and LinkedIn has indicated that what we are doing is against their sites purpose so I need a call at 770-868-6219 so I can get some clarity.

      • #20906


          Hi @mark-harrison,

          I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. That shouldn’t be an issue. @matt-barcus do you know what could be going on?

        • #20910

          Mark Harrison

            Yes here is the response I have used the invitation exactly worded as recommended, but LinkedIn says that I should only be contacting people I know.   This is my invitation.

            I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.


            Your account is currently unable to send invitations because the majority of invitations you’ve sent in the past have been rejected or ignored. Other members let us know when they receive content and invitations that they feel aren’t valuable. Per the LinkedIn User Agreement and the Professional Community Policies, we expect members to only connect with people they know and trust to help keep the site safe, useful, and to reduce spam. It’s highly recommended that you use our best practices for building your network

            I’m confused that doesn’t fit what I’ve been trained on at all.   I have a phone and email for current contacts.   Please update me!


          • #20912

            Mark Harrison

              To ensure an optimal site experience, members can have a maximum of 30,000 1st-degree connections. We recommend that you only connect with individuals you know and trust, as outlined in the LinkedIn User Agreement. As an ongoing practice it would be beneficial for you to manage your connection lists and maintain those that bring you the highest relationship value. Check out more on how to remove connections.

              They say remove all connections you don’t know and invitations you sent that don’t meet that guideline.   That negates everything I’ve done so far and I don’t know how to proceed.   The program seems to be in direct conflict with the site requirements.   To say the least, I’m confused, embarrassed, and a little caught off guard.   I thought I was moving forward, but now I feel lost.   I want to market, but I don’t want to do anything illegitimate.

            • #20918

              Matt test


                Hi Mark!

                No need to feel awkward about any of that! From the sounds of it, you have a substantial amount of outstanding invitations that weren’t responded to.  First step is to go into your Sent Invitations and Withdraw the connection requests from ones that have been sitting there out there for awhile.  Anything that is several weeks or more old, you can Withdraw.

                Before you move forward with sending any additional connection requests, I have some questions I need you to answer for me so I can best determine how to proceed:

                • How many connect requests are you sending out per day/week (or how many have you been sending recently)?
                • Are you sending to 2nd connections only or are you trying to connect with any level of connections (3rd level+)?
                • Who is your target audience?  Are you only sending requests to people that fit your ideal client criteria?
                • You mentioned that your requests were sent with the default LinkedIn language…were all requests sent with the default message or did you use other language in some of the connection requests?

                LinkedIn terms of service are crafted to reduce spam and make their network as meaningful and useful as possible.  They want you to be connecting to people that are close in network to you…not just firing off to random people or every profile you come across (and not saying that is what you are doing). Please let me know about the questions I asked you above and then I can give you direction on next steps.  And don’t worry! We will get you on the right track and moving forward!


                • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Matt test.
              • #20960

                Mark Harrison

                  I’m averaging 250/ week about 50 per day and most from what I see are 1st and 2nd. connections.    If you look at the messages I copied from LinkedIn and posted in the prior messages, there was nothing said of reaching a limit.   I didn’t find out until I contacted LinkedIn the second times and messaged them back with copies off their site that the 2nd person informed me about the limit.   It wasn’t in any of the messages the first person sent me from LinkedIn.   The second lady said she would advise the assoc. to get some retraining, but the context of the messages was much different than what the actual ended reason.  Matt, I got your message after my contact with the 2nd LinkedIn Associate.

                  My target audience is wide open only 5% reach lifetime financial security the other 95% are in my market and I can help top 5% as well, but they tend to harder to get to.    Agents in my field and those that reside outside of Georgia normally are wasted effort.     I haven’t found a way that made sense to narrow further.   There aren’t criteria that match the LinkedIn search options to narrow closer to my ideal client.

                • #20962

                  n d

                    Tagging you in this @matt-barcus



                  • #21084

                    Halle Eavelyn

                      OK, @mark-harrison, you’ve obviously got a LOT of connections if you’re doing 50 a day, so we also need to know:

                      How many Question 1s have you sent out?

                      How many of those have reached Q4 and how many have resulted in a meeting?

                      And… how many connections is your total network?

                      ALSO… you seem particularly concerned with both your industry liability and how this program fits in.  Let me just address that: we’ve had many regulated industries in this program – especially financial advisors.  There’s nothing illegal about it.  It’s just you could be randomly spamming EVERYBODY!  LinkedIn expects the worst case scenario and writes its legalese accordingly.  If you weren’t allowed to do business on LinkedIn, which is all you ARE doing, the whole network would cease to exist!

                      Please just know that from a targeting perspective, I think you’re missing something.  I’d appreciate it if you would go back through and watch my video on The Perfect Client (it may be called the Client Avatar).

                      All my videos are in the Transformational Business Strategy module (bottom middle module on your MAIN DASHBOARD – turquoise with a bulls eye) video index is to the right of the video window, in alphabetical order.

                      That video will help you understand why targeting your perfect client and not just anyone with a pulse will help you GET clients. Then I’d like you to review the Perfect Client exercise in Module 1 because I think that’s going to help you a lot.

                      Quality over quantity here will help you speak to the clients so they can listen. They will only buy if they can hear you.

                      Blue skies!

                      @matt-barcus, @negeen-dargahi, @amanda-hendrickson

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