Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Live Q&A Call Questions Tuesday (7.24.18) Live Q&A Call Questions

13 replies, 8 voices Last updated by Lupe Lloyd 6 years, 2 months ago
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  • Author
    • #17354

      Tony Liddic

        Post your questions below for the Live Q&A Call on Tuesday 7.24.18

      • #17381

        Larry Smith

          how do i access the recording  of previous calls  i am missing due to aptmnts??

        • #17386

          Lupe Lloyd

            Hi there!

            I’m a newby so I need some basic starters.  I am a National Biliteracy Consultant for Public Schools.  I help school districts increase performance for English learners.

            1. How do I set up groups or import contacts from groups such as professional associations, like the National Association for Bilingual Education?
            2. I am clicking and connecting with many people, but they are not the type of clients and decision makers I normally do business with.  How can I better target my contact list?
            3. How do I import my current contact list on Gmail?

            I feel confident in the contacts I’ve been able to do with the 4 questions, but I need to work with the right clients.


            Lupe Lloyd

          • #17465

            Michele Gibson

              Who do I contact regarding the Realtor Buyers and Sellers give away ebook?

              Thank you.

            • #17474

              Sasan Nikookar

                Hi all,

                Hope you are doing well. Unfortunately, I cannot attend this session today as it is too late here and I should take of my little boy that he had a surgery recently.

                I had a call with a prospect (small company) recently and it looks like he trusted me and he likes my suggested service as he knows that he needs to get help, but at the end of the call, he asked me to send him a proposal with providing more details about our discussion.

                I was wondering is it normal that people ask for a proposal when we sell high-ticket by phone (especially when we did not go to them and they came to talk with us).

                So, Should I do this? If so, do I need to send him a formal proposal or just a simple email? If no, what should I answer people when they have the same request about sending a proposal (more related to details related to the service/program).

                Thank you.

                • #17504

                  Tony Liddic

                    @sasan-nikookar-2 we addressed this question around the 49 minute mark in the call today. Please see the recording when it gets posted at http://app.hecp.com/hecp/hecp-live-call-recordings/

                  • #17745

                    Sasan Nikookar

                      Hi Tony,

                      Many thanks for letting me know.

                      I have checked it, but has not been uploaded yet. Could you please let me know when you upload the recorded video related to this session?


                  • #17478

                    Glo reber


                      I re-did my infomercial and another video and purchased BombBomb so it is compressed.  It will send my video to LinkedIn, but I can’t get it into my profile area.

                      I tried to copy it into the profile area, and the picture is there, but it doesn’t run the video?

                      I’m not sure what to do next!





                    • #17490

                      Stephen DeVoe

                        Hi Group

                        I’m using the filters on Sales Nav to target my ideal client and when I do get a connection back on my Linkedin home page I get a page of  “people you may know”  with a picture and a connect tab to click.

                        Its a significant number of people but I’m unsure what to do with them. Many, in fact most would not be my ideal client and further even if I do see a person of interest when I hit connect it sends an invitation without the opportunity to personalize it.

                        Do I invite everybody there regardless, be selective? seems odd I can’t personalize.

                        Any direction here would be great.



                      • #17497

                        Laura Barker

                          @matt-barcus  I copy and paste from one note for my LI questions but now when I try to paste into the LI message, it shows up as an attachment. Any idea what’s going on?

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