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  • Author
    • #10179

      Camille Caserta

        Please give feedback:

      • #10195

        Camille Caserta

          Please give feedback:

          • #10224

            Camille Caserta

              Re-done, was missing a few commas.

          • #10217

            n d

              Hey @camille-caserta! I like where you’re going with this!! I want you to think of your infomercial as a condensed version of your summary.

              How about you start it off asking 3 powerful pain point questions

              • then introduce yourself stating what you do and who you help
              • 3-5 sentences HOW you help your clients
              • Call to action

              Please send me your revision once it is organized in a better way to GRAB your audience’s attention immediately.


              • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by n d.
            • #10229

              Camille Caserta

                Will do!

                Thank you, I felt that the powerful pain point questions was all about not using a Realtor, was that to much information?

              • #10238

                Camille Caserta


                  • #10329

                    n d

                      Hey @camille-caserta,

                      Let me better explain to avoid confusion 🙂 so I like where you’re going with your infomercial but it’s not starting out correctly. You want to lead it like a conversation and immediately grab their attention. Here is a simpler format to follow:

                      1. Are you wanting _________?
                      2. Do you need __________?
                      3. Tired of ________?

                      If this sounds like you… I know EXACTLY how to help. Hi, I’m Camille Caserta and I am a _______ helping clients _____________.

                      (3-5 sentences HOW you help your clients)

                      If you are thinking about selling and READY to get started, then please give me a call TODAY at 678-787-3316 to see if we are a good fit!

                    • #10335

                      Camille Caserta

                        Thank you, I will start working on it again. What about the head line? It really caught my attention when I saw the article.

                      • #10370

                        n d

                          @camille-caserta, you wont need a headline since you’ll be filming this 🙂 the title can just be a description of your video like: “Camille Caserta Realtor”


                      • #10287

                        Sharon wu Wu

                          Not sure if we still need to post it in the facebook group.

                          My draft for 30 Second Infomercial (this really push me to my edge, sigh.) Have no idea where to start at all. Please help.
                          “Why are the multi-family rental units the best real estate investment vehicle?
                          Benefit of invest in residential income properties:
                          • Humans always need housing. When the economy gets slow, business begin to downsize or close. And when people downsize, they rent apartments.
                          • A hedge against inflation- When the price of everything goes up, bread and butter, gasoline, tuition, etc.) so goes rents.
                          • The inflationary market is not only good for your property values, but also increase your revenue.
                          • They are the last asset class in real estate to decline when the market crashes and the first asset class to rebound when the market corrects.
                          Where do you find the property owners?
                          How do you know if that’s a good deal or not?

                          As you know, the best deals never hit the open market and they aren’t available on any online search or via email. I am CONSTANTLY searching for these properties that are available but not yet on the open market to keep my unlisted property list up to date.

                          Maybe you aren’t 100% ready to buy a property yet but I want to make sure you aren’t missing out on some of these awesome properties that aren’t available on the open market yet.
                          They all seem to be moving fast and we need to get you ready once they hit the market.

                          Call or text me to find out whether you qualify for the free RWA certificate if you are planning to buy or if your property is still bringing you the most ROE if you already own the rental property.”

                          No, I can not go any longer, that IS my max… Perhaps I can read it really really slow to make it 30 second 

                          • #10331

                            n d

                              Hi @sharon-wu! I’m happy to help 🙂 a really nice start. Here is an easier outline to follow. Think of it as a condensed version of a LI profile.

                              You can start off asking 3 POWERFUL pain point questions that your clients face before working with you:

                              1. Are you wanting _________?
                              2. Do you need __________?
                              3. Tired of ________?


                              If this sounds like you… I know EXACTLY how to help. Hi, I’m ______ and I am a _______ helping clients _____________.

                              (3-5 sentences HOW you help your clients)

                              Call to action:

                              If you’re wanting _________ then give me a call TODAY at ______ or message me here on LI to see if we’re a good fit!

                          • #10571

                            Sharon wu Wu

                              2nd draft

                              “Tired of dealing with your tenants?

                              Are you wanting to sell your income property but tenant not cooperate in showing?
                              Do you need to sell your properties quick so you can get more profit on your property?

                              If this sounds like you… I know EXACTLY how to help. Hi, I’m Sharon and I am a California licensed real estate broker helping clients buy, sell or 1031-exchange their real estate investments.

                              As you know, the best deals never hit the open market and they aren’t available on any online search or via email. I am CONSTANTLY searching for these properties that are available but not yet on the open market to keep my unlisted property list up to date.

                              Maybe you aren’t 100% ready to buy or sell a property yet but I want to make sure you aren’t missing out on some of these awesome opportunities that aren’t available on the open market yet.

                              Many of the multi-units are exchanged within the network.  They all seem to be moving fast and we need to get you ready once they hit the market.

                              If you’re wanting buy, sell or exchange your real estate investment then give me a call TODAY at 909-418-1888 or message me here on LI to see if we’re a good fit! “

                            • #10573

                              Sharon wu Wu

                                please let me know if the above 2nd draft is good to shoot the video.


                              • #10575

                                Sharon wu Wu

                                  oh, forgot to tag @negeen-dargahi

                                  Can we edit the previous post here?

                                  Do we still need to tag you?

                                • #10589

                                  n d

                                    Hi @sharon-wu! If you go to your post above, to the right it gives you an option to edit 🙂

                                    I like your infomercial, re-read it out loud to yourself and see if you need to make any changes but I love this outline better than your last! Nice work!!


                                    • #10625

                                      Sharon wu Wu

                                        On the right, it only shows reply, no edit.

                                    • #10663

                                      Camille Caserta

                                        What about this one?

                                        • #10717

                                          n d

                                            Looks great @camille-caserta, but just have up to 3 pain point questions. You dont want to drag it out too long! Nice job 🙂

                                            And pick whichever 3 questions you want!


                                        • #10725

                                          Camille Caserta

                                            Thank you, I took out some questions. Here it goes again.

                                            • #11157

                                              Camille Caserta

                                                Hello Nageen,

                                                Did you see my second draft, there are a lot back and forth with Sharon ann wanted to make sure I didn’t confuse them.



                                              • #11208

                                                n d

                                                  Hi @camille-caserta so sorry about that and thank you for letting me know! I really like your infomercial, what difference your revision has made! Super job 🙂


                                                • #11210

                                                  Camille Caserta

                                                    Thank you Nageen,


                                                • #11126

                                                  Sharon wu Wu

                                                    Here is my 3rd take video.  Please let me know if this is good enough for the LinkedIn homework.  First, the background is too messy, 2nd the light is too dark, yesterday the neighbor is doing the landscape it’s too noisy, finally, and one week passed.  I just realize I just need to take the imperfect action to get over with it…

                                                    Here you go.


                                                  • #11155

                                                    n d

                                                      Hi @sharon-wu! Great job taking massive imperfect action!! Typically, we recommend members to film themselves and have that as the main focus but this works too! Nice work!

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