LESSON 1 – Identify Your Perfect Client

The Trojan Horse 🐴

IMPORTANT: Be the largest, most well connected NETWORKER in your space/marketplace.

👉 Connect, engage, and converse WITHOUT expectation of them becoming a client 👈

What if you knew the motivating beliefs, fears and secret desires that influence your prospective customer’s buying decisions?

Would you approach your LinkedIn profile a little differently?

Would you talk to your prospects on the phone, in emails, and in person in a different way?

That is what this lesson is all about.

A customer avatar is a fictional, idealized, and personalized representation that embodies your Perfect Client.

The deeper and more specific you get with your customer avatar, the easier it is to trigger the motivating beliefs, fears and secret desires that influence your prospective customers.

If you stay surface level and generic, you won’t have a good handle on your prospective customers triggers are and your profile will appear weak and generic.

Download the worksheet or complete the Perfect Client Accelerator to put together your customer avatar. When you’re filling out the worksheet, remember that you are answering the questions as if you are your ideal client/audience/customer… and be as specific as possible.

Tip: If you have two or more ideal customers then fill out a Perfect Client worksheet for each ideal customer.

Before creating your Perfect Client Profile, listen to this invaluable training excerpted from our monthly Master Class; this one is on Creating Your Perfect Client, and will help you understand the value of this crucial exercise, and how you will use it throughout your entire program.

[accessally_missing_all_tag tag_id=’197,585′ comment=’HECP – LITE – Waiting for Upgrade,Clients_Accelerate_Has_Access’]The full Master Class recording (2 hours) is available in our Master Class forum, along with all our monthly Master Classes, which are bonus resources we offer you.[/accessally_missing_all_tag]

BONUS: Live Perfect Client Training with Kent


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Lesson Summary

The Trojan Horse 🐴

IMPORTANT: Be the largest, most well connected NETWORKER in your space/marketplace.

👉 Connect, engage, and converse WITHOUT expectation of them becoming a client 👈

What if you knew the motivating beliefs, fears and secret desires that influence your prospective customer’s buying decisions?

Would you approach your LinkedIn profile a little differently?

Would you talk to your prospects on the phone, in emails, and in person in a different way?

That is what this lesson is all about.

A customer avatar is a fictional, idealized, and personalized representation that embodies your Perfect Client.

The deeper and more specific you get with your customer avatar, the easier it is to trigger the motivating beliefs, fears and secret desires that influence your prospective customers.

If you stay surface level and generic, you won’t have a good handle on your prospective customers triggers are and your profile will appear weak and generic.

Download the worksheet or complete the Perfect Client Accelerator to put together your customer avatar. When you’re filling out the worksheet, remember that you are answering the questions as if you are your ideal client/audience/customer… and be as specific as possible.

Tip: If you have two or more ideal customers then fill out a Perfect Client worksheet for each ideal customer.

Start Here

Before creating your Perfect Client Profile, listen to this invaluable training excerpted from our monthly Master Class; this one is on Creating Your Perfect Client, and will help you understand the value of this crucial exercise, and how you will use it throughout your entire program.

[accessally_missing_all_tag tag_id=’197,585′ comment=’HECP – LITE – Waiting for Upgrade,Clients_Accelerate_Has_Access’]The full Master Class recording (2 hours) is available in our Master Class forum, along with all our monthly Master Classes, which are bonus resources we offer you.[/accessally_missing_all_tag]

Video 1

Video 2

BONUS: Video 3

BONUS: Live Perfect Client Training with Kent


Perfect Client Accelerator

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Lesson Objectives

Listen to the Start Here recording
Watch Video #1 - Halle and Kent
Watch Video #2 - Perfect Client Training
Watch Video #3 - Live Training with Kent
Create Your Perfect Client - Use the Accelerator Tool or Download the Worksheet

[accessally_missing_any_tag tag_id=’585′ comment=’Clients_Accelerate_Has_Access’]Current Module Progress


Need Help?

[accessally_missing_any_tag tag_id=’585′ comment=’Clients_Accelerate_Has_Access’]Ask questions on the PRIVATE SUPPORT FORUMS, and know they will be responded to in 24 hours, usually much less.

We don’t have “mentors” individually, because the WHOLE TEAM pitches in to help based on their expertise.

POST questions for the live calls in the thread for those calls (which are posted the day before), and we will answer those questions LIVE on the calls – you can listen to the recordings and get the answers to your questions EVEN if you have to miss the call!

Also, KEEP MOVING FORWARD! You’ll get uncomfortable and overwhelmed, but then DAWN will occur and you will start to MASTER the program. It’s all a matter of continuing to take MASSIVE IMPERFECT ACTION!![/accessally_missing_any_tag]

[accessally_has_any_tag tag_id=’585′ comment=’Clients_Accelerate_Has_Access’][/accessally_has_any_tag]