LESSON 2 – Preparing Prospects for the Call

Today’s lesson is all about getting your prospects to take the action you want them to take throughout the entire Client Journey you created yesterday. The template files on the Downloads Tab contain the followup campaigns we use for maximizing conversions at each step of our Client Journey. The “Application Reminder Campaign” is used to get your prospects to complete a pre-call questionnaire before their booked call time. The “Call Reminder Campaign” is designed to prepare your prospects for the call that they’ve already booked. We use a combination of Hero Story content and client testimonials to create the best possible outcome on the call. Use the template files to create your own followup campaigns to be used in your own Client Journey.

For some of you, you may not feel like all of the Client Journey or these pieces apply. Remember that you can work with the parts that support you and YOUR business. For example, if you don’t use an application yet, would it help qualify your clients? Maybe you do want to start to use one and just haven’t made the time. We can help guide you – just post in the Support Forum or come to the Q&A call.

Perhaps you are in an industry where you don’t want to use an Application – perhaps you DO want to use a Call Reminder Campaign, one retooled for your own business or industry. We have included a bonus Realtor Fast Track call here for you – it’s full of really valuable info, so listen to the whole thing if you can. About 20 minutes in, we talk with one of our clients about how to use this lesson for his real estate business.

Whatever your business, do give yourself permission to use the outline of the ideas presented here, and don’t feel like you have to “stick with the script” – it’s here to guide you to create your own system from the Client Journey that’s appropriate for your perfect clients.

Lesson Summary

Today’s lesson is all about getting your prospects to take the action you want them to take throughout the entire Client Journey you created yesterday. The template files on the Downloads Tab contain the followup campaigns we use for maximizing conversions at each step of our Client Journey. The “Application Reminder Campaign” is used to get your prospects to complete a pre-call questionnaire before their booked call time. The “Call Reminder Campaign” is designed to prepare your prospects for the call that they’ve already booked. We use a combination of Hero Story content and client testimonials to create the best possible outcome on the call. Use the template files to create your own followup campaigns to be used in your own Client Journey.

For some of you, you may not feel like all of the Client Journey or these pieces apply. Remember that you can work with the parts that support you and YOUR business. For example, if you don’t use an application yet, would it help qualify your clients? Maybe you do want to start to use one and just haven’t made the time. We can help guide you – just post in the Support Forum or come to the Q&A call.

Perhaps you are in an industry where you don’t want to use an Application – perhaps you DO want to use a Call Reminder Campaign, one retooled for your own business or industry. We have included a bonus Realtor Fast Track call here for you – it’s full of really valuable info, so listen to the whole thing if you can. About 20 minutes in, we talk with one of our clients about how to use this lesson for his real estate business.

Whatever your business, do give yourself permission to use the outline of the ideas presented here, and don’t feel like you have to “stick with the script” – it’s here to guide you to create your own system from the Client Journey that’s appropriate for your perfect clients.

Video 1 - Realtor Fast Track Call

Lesson Objectives

Download and Customize the "Application Reminder Email Campaign"
Download and Customize the "Call Reminder Email Campaign"
Watch Video 1 - Realtor Fast Track Call (NOT just for Realtors!)

Current Module Progress


Need Help?

Ask questions on the PRIVATE SUPPORT FORUMS, and know they will be responded to in 24 hours, usually much less. We don’t have “mentors” individually, because the WHOLE TEAM pitches in to help based on their expertise. POST questions for the live calls in the thread for those calls (which are posted the day before), and we will answer those questions LIVE on the calls – you can listen to the recordings and get the answers to your questions EVEN if you have to miss the call! Also, KEEP MOVING FORWARD! You’ll get uncomfortable and overwhelmed, but then DAWN will occur and you will start to MASTER the program. It’s all a matter of continuing to take MASSIVE IMPERFECT ACTION!!