Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week WINS OF THE WEEK 2/28

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    • #33118

      Halle Eavelyn

        @ken-deshaies says: My hit rate – number of connections accepted vs how many I sent – has gone through the roof. In the past few days, I’ve been getting 67% positive responses. For example, two days ago, I sent out 40 invitations to connect. 27 accepted. That has resulted in several ongoing conversations, one call yesterday, two today, more actively being scheduled for the next few days. A few responses were to schedule for Monday or Tuesday next week instead of this Friday.

        Had some wonderful calls. The two today want to circulate my information to their networks. Last one is a member of a group of professionals that meets monthly. He wants me to come as his guest to the next meeting, then be scheduled as a speaker.

        Strongly recommend everyone read “The Go Giver” by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Can read it in an evening and it is amazing. Focus on focusing on giving rather than receiving and the receiving will come on its own. Good partner read to “You2” (You Squared). I’m going to explore purchasing these books in bulk and giving them to people with whom I connect.

        GO, KEN!!!!!

        @filippa-reading had been stuck on her infomercial for a while – she now filmed it, got it launched, and we are SO proud of you!!!

        @gae-callaway has a phone call this afternoon with an LI HR contact that she has met in person before
   @carol-high has a new commercial listing and she is excited about thinking outside the box to get it sold! AWESOME!!!

        @shelley-shakes recorded her webinar AND completed her Hero Story draft!!  YAY!!!

        @bill-toujouse got his first call from LI – YAY!!!

        @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi@staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen @anthony-young @michael-griswold @damian-benko @keith-simpson @donald-stojack

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