Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week WINS OF THE WEEK 11/13/2018

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 10 months ago
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    • #27854

      Halle Eavelyn

        @mark-steinbach got to see his testimonial video from the HECP Summit today – YES!!

        @carol-linden finally got her whole FIRST video program edited!!! It’s going on Teachable.com – WOOHOO!!!

        @kelly-armstrong-2 has a meeting tomorrow and another tomorrow – she is well on her way to making her November goal – YES!!!

        @linda-sparks is working on her Hero Story!  She is claiming PROGRESS because she is halfway through her accelerator!  POWERFUL!!

        @rilaine-johnson is celebrating being CANCER-FREE AND finishing module 4!! And she had a GREAT listing appointment! SO AWESOME!!

        @richard-farb has been making his connections in Aerospace and he has been enlisted to help find a client a job – he’s connected with all the HR departments in the area so that he can ALSO connect with RE-LO departments at these companies! YEAH!

        @jody-miller is SO grateful to @negeen-dargahi for helping her to rewrite her profile so that it’s MUCH MORE POWERFUL!  And… she just got a meeting with a possible partner for 8K employees AND a 3K employee health & wellness company, BECAUSE she has been setting her intentions POWERFULLY!!!  Amazing!!!

        @ann-lovett-baird is on a client call and she is STILL smiling!!

        @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi @amanda-hendrickson  @alison-liddic @anthony-hendrickson @wilson-smith @kate-marshall-2  @john-carey @matt-mead @staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen

      • #27955

        Jennifer Martin

          I am seriously loving all of you right now. GREAT JOB!!!

        • #28050

          Kathryn Rimstidt

            I wanted to post some wins of the week.  I also am hoping to get on the live call today to share, but in spirit of “taking imperfect action,” thought I’d post here in case:


            1. Getting things done right now with my son here when I had expected to have childcare help today that fell through.  Got two follow-up actions taken from the midterm call yesterday and my accountability partner from the course texted as well.
            2. Feeling “ok” with not having calls I thought I might have today (had offered the spots as LinkedIN response and no “yes” to today or Tues time I offered yet, and today’s times are over).
            3. And, a personal win/celebration, feeling super grateful to HAVE this time and this relationship with my son. And, to be feeling content with all the changes to schedules of those around me which affected my own plans today and also actually Tues & Weds as well.
            4. oh, and that I’m posting here :).  Ok, we’ll leave it at that!  Might be time for a book with my son or at least some tending as he has come over to me again (he’s a bit over 2).
            • #28153

              n d

                Thank you for sharing your wins of the week, @kathryn-rimstidt 🙂

                I’m glad to hear you are patient with yourself/the process and have good things brewing! Keep it up!

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