Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Automation Questions Trust Factor – YCB.me & LeadPages Questions

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    • #14839

      Michelle Dumas

        I have a paid YouCanBook.me account that I have used for the past couple of years, so this module was all really familiar to me. I was already using this to let clients book appointments, so after developing my custom application questions and follow up email, I went into it and modified the booking calendar to include my application questions and send out the improved follow up email.

        But then I got to the section about embedding in Leadpages (I already have a leadpages account too). I get it. The calendar is much more attractive and customizable embedded in your Leadpages template than it is as a standalone.

        But, I am wondering if there is a reason you are using 3 separate templates (one for the booking, one for the application, one for the confirmation), when all those can be done in YCB.me and you could use a single Leadpages template? Have you tested it and conversion is better doing it your way? Is that why?

        I’m tempted to embed it all into a single template and let YCB.me handle the application and confirmation because it is less complex and keeps everything together (I get the answers to my application right in the booking on my calendar now). But I don’t want to kill my conversion rate either.

        Side note: My application questions went live on my YCB.me calendar yesterday afternoon and I’ve already received 2 bookings with complete answers, so I am pretty happy about that.

      • #14841

        n d

          Hi @michelle-dumas! First off, thank you for sending this over, I’m going to be tagging the team to look at this and provide feedback!

          It’s great that you simplified all of those resources into one platform!

          WOOHOO on booking 2 apps! Proud of you 🙂

          CC: @kent-littlejohn @halle-eavelyn @anthony-simonie @matt-barcus @tony-liddic


        • #14843

          HECP Admin

            @michelle-dumas It should be ok to use the same template if it looks good 🙂

            As far as everything on one page, I’d recommend one thing at a time for people to take action on…

            page one book the call

            Page two, answer survey questions

            Having a booking option and the questions visible on one page will likely distract people and lower conversion.

          • #14884

            Tony Liddic

              @michelle-dumas As Anthony said above, you just want to be careful not to overwhelm the visitor with too much on one page.

              Can you post the link to your booking page here so I can see how it works?

            • #14968

              Michelle Dumas

                Sure, here is what I created (planning to do some split testing on page content, but don’t have that set up yet)


                The booking and application questions are both handled from within YCB.me using the same leadpages template. I’m using a separate template for the thank you/confirmation page, though.

                • #14989

                  n d

                    @tony-liddic tagging you so you see this! Thanks!


                • #15610

                  Tony Liddic

                    @michelle-dumas sorry for the delay here. Didn’t get a notification and missed the post.

                    Nice job getting this put together.

                    My gut feeling is that having the app all on the booking page like that will scare off a decent number of prospects.

                    However, that’s not to say it’s not worth testing. I’ve seen stranger results when testing online stuff. 🙂

                    Just keep an eye on conversions/bookings and definitely test a version with separate app.

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