Dashboard › Forums › High End Client Program › LinkedIn – General Questions › sending out first question to contacts
August 1, 2018 at 2:36 pm #18310
I’ve gotten to the part of the training where I’m supposed to make contact by sending my first question. The problem I’ve reviewed my contacts and there are only two that I have any possibility if everything goes right of being able to do business with them. They are either doing exactly what I’m doing and could do it for themselves, out of the geographical area I can legally conduct business, or are already clients. I know I need to add to add more connections. I also am working on videos and webinars for current contacts and email blasts. I don’t know if there is a limit to the number of connection requests I can make per day on Linked In. I need to contact folks that I can do something with. What is the best way to proceed? I’ve gotten as far in the training I can go without skipping a step.
August 2, 2018 at 11:03 am #18387
Hi @mark-harrison! No problem, below I’ll provide some insight on ways to move forward and take action:
First and foremost:
Please make sure you watch Halle’s video called: “4 QUESTIONS” in the Transformational Business Strategy module (bottom middle module on your MAIN DASHBOARD – turquoise with a bullseye) video index is to the right of the video window, in alphabetical order.
After doing so:
- the idea is for you to connect with ANYONE and EVERYONE. Even competitors, people who live out of state, etc. This is because once you are connected with them, then you can connect with THEIR connections. Make sense?
- Ideally, connecting with 50+ OR MORE (no limit) people DAILY would be great. Please do that for 2 weeks straight AND send out your Q1 to see how your stats are.
Have I approved your 4 questions?
Remember… when you say “I need folks I can do something with” is the WRONG mentality and not the point of the 4 questions. You are not qualifying when you use the 4 questions. That is what the phone call with them is for, okay?
I hope this provides you clarity and tag me in future questions/responses.
cc: @amanda-hendrickson
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