9 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Dale Swanson 6 years, 5 months ago
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  • Author
    • #8309

      Dale Swanson


        Last week, I asked for (and received) login info to set up my account in the new platform (app.hecp.com), which I did. At that point, I was working on the Hero Webinar slide-builder (Week 4, Day 1) modules (on highendclient.com). My progress to that point wasn’t copied to the new platform; therefore, upon building my profile in the new platform, it launched me into Week 1, Day 1. I’ve been dutifully trying to review, input, copy (and in some cases, revise) the work that had been done on the old website, onto the new one, while still trying to move forward with the webinar slide-builder – and while receiving automated progress notices from the new platform, as if I were a new member, in Week 1. (I also tried to copy-and-paste my LinkedIn profile builder from highendclient.com, into app.hecp.com, and it appeared to be working – until I tried to save it there. Then I kept receiving an error message, repeatedly asking for my LinkedIn profile URL – which I kept putting in, but for whatever reason, it wasn’t taking it, or acknowledging it). Please advise. Thanks!

        Dale Swanson


      • #8404

        n d

          @dale-swanson, you’re welcome to progress through the old platform if that’s easier for now since you’re pretty ahead. Yes, the new platform does put people back to Week 1 and we advise members to just fill out the bare minimum in order to unlock each module until you are at the correct place. Now, I will tag @tony-liddic to see what his thoughts are on your progress that hasn’t transferred over and the best course of action!

          Thank you, Dale!



          • #8448

            Dale Swanson

              Thank you very much, Negeen and Tony. As I say, I’m trying to input (into the new platform) the info from the progress I had made (in the old platform), while still trying to move forward (e.g., on the infomercial, on the webinar). My question at the moment, is how to access the Wednesday Mindset Coaching Call (5:00 pm EDT), since I don’t seem to be receiving text message links to those…

          • #8413

            Tony Liddic

              @dale-swanson The best thing to do right now is to finish the Webinar Slide Builder in the Old Platform since you are already working on it. Let me know when that is submitted and we will unlock the appropriate modules in the new platform for you to continue.


            • #8450

              Dale Swanson


                Thank you very much, for the response and advice.

                Perhaps this is a question for Anthony or Matt, but I also went to Quantcast, downloaded it, and tried to input some URLs (local Agents and Brokers competing in my market) for analysis, but Quantcast kept giving me a “no results found” message. What might I be doing wrong? Or have those service providers possibly blocked access (to Quantcast, and others)?

                Please advise. Thank you!




              • #8512

                n d

                  Hm, @anthony-simonie do you know the answer to this? @dale-swanson, if it ends up being more of a technical aspect, I’d consider reading out to their customer support if Anthony isn’t sure! 🙂



                • #8524

                  HECP Admin

                    @dale-swanson They could have changed something or sometimes sites will not show up. Here is a link for additional resources that may help. https://blog.kissmetrics.com/25-sneaky-online-tools/


                  • #8622

                    Dale Swanson

                      Tony and Negeen,

                      Thank you, both, very much for the prompt and detailed response(s). I followed Tony’s link (above) to Kissmetrics, and copied down the tools listed there. Very comprehensive (and many of them are free!). I will try those. Thanks again!



                    • #8769

                      Halle Eavelyn

                        @dale-swanson, the MINDSET COACHING CALL and ALL CALLS are listed in the PINNED POST at the top of EACH FORUM.   For the mindset call, PLEASE come on Zoom with video if possible!
                        <p class=”p1″><span class=”s1″>Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/7099495740</span></p&gt;
                        <p class=”p1″><span class=”s1″>Or iPhone one-tap : </span><span class=”s1″>US: +14086380968,,7099495740#<span class=”Apple-converted-space”>  </span>or +16468769923,,7099495740# </span></p>

                      • #8781

                        Dale Swanson

                          Hi Halle,

                          Thank you for responding. I have the app for Zoom on my iPhone – it’s how I have been accessing the Tuesday and Thursday Q&A calls, via the embedded link the e-mail notices I get for those from HECP. But I don’t appear to be receiving such an e-mail notice for the Wednesday mindset calls, and so didn’t have a link. And, for the life of me, I can’t figure out – or remember – how I managed to get onto the Wednesday mindset calls previously (and I know that I did). So, thank you, again. Will that link work every time?



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