Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – General Questions Finding list of new Accepted Connections

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 3 years, 8 months ago
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    • #45597

      Dean Hanson

        Hi @matt-barcus,

        Do you have any suggestions for how to handle the new daily accepted connection list on a day by day basis without losing access to the them?

        When I go into my LI account and select my Network.  I get a list of people that accepted my invitation to connect. As of yesterday, I was able to message one and reselect my Network icon and the new connections would remain and I could move on to the next accepted connection.  Today, when I do that, the list of new connections accepted is gone.  I then went to the Notifications tab and I saw a buried in the list many accepted connection notifications going back two months. When I would click on one I may have already sent them a Q1.  If I repeat these steps Sales Navigator, it does not show me if I have had any exchange of messages from my messaging in LinkedIn.



      • #45606

        n d

          Hi @dean-hanson! I’m not sure if you’ve done this yet, but when you click on ‘network’, click on ‘connects’ on the left side of the screen, and then right above the first person that shows up, you will see a sorting filter that should say “sort by: recently added” – make sure that is clicked on. Yours may be set to a first name.

          Let me know if that works!

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