Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week WINS OF THE WEEK – 04/26/2018

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by HECProgram Admin 6 years, 5 months ago
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  • Author
    • #9403

      Halle Eavelyn

        @ann-lovett-baird made a connection on LinkedIn 4 years ago, just reached out, and now is getting referrals from his clients for the books!  WOOHOO!!

        had her 25-person pitchfest and ALL the people want her benefits package!!  Including one guy who may want to offer 100% paid benefits for ALL 1400 of his employees!  CAN’T WAIT to hear more!!

        just closed on the house he manifested for himself – it took 12 YEARS but he did it!!! WE ARE SUPER PROUD OF OUR FEARLESS LEADER!!

        presented to a HUGE company and is getting them even more business AND someone discovered her profile and has a chance to pitch to another even bigger company!!! AWESOME!!!

        made her FIRST sale this week – WOOHOO!!! CONGRATS!!! And she is OPEN TO RECEIVE MORE!

        @matt-barcus @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie @negeen-dargahi @phil-hall @alison-liddic @staci-ulrich @kevin-hoover @anthony-hendrickson @chris-pierce @wilson-smith @cole-gordon @jennifer-martin @diane-hansen

      • #9412

        n d

          Amazing work, everyone!!! 🙂

        • #9421

          HECProgram Admin

            Wow!  Love the consistency!  Great work everyone, way to take Massive Imperfect ACTION!!!

          • #9485

            HECProgram Admin

              Serious rockstars in this program. GREAT WORK everyone!

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