LESSON 3 – Create Your “Trojan Horse” Questions

In today’s lesson, there’s great info on shifting your mindset in your business, and on LinkedIn, AND people asked some GREAT questions for LIVE transformation at the end, so don’t miss a word!

The goal for today will be creating the “Trojan Horse” Questions you will be using to engage with your prospects.

Don’t get stuck trying to make things perfect! Take massive action, then post your “Trojan Horse” Questions in the Support Forums for feedback.

Financial Advisors & Other Service-Based Businesses: Check out the Video 2 Tab above for an in-depth conversation taken directly from a recent Live Coaching Call.

Realtors ONLY: Visit the Realtor Support Forum to download DONE FOR YOU Trojan Horse Questions.

Lesson Summary

In today’s lesson, there’s great info on shifting your mindset in your business, and on LinkedIn, AND people asked some GREAT questions for LIVE transformation at the end, so don’t miss a word!

The goal for today will be creating the “Trojan Horse” Questions you will be using to engage with your prospects.

Don’t get stuck trying to make things perfect! Take massive action, then post your “Trojan Horse” Questions in the Support Forums for feedback.

Financial Advisors & Other Service-Based Businesses: Check out the Video 2 Tab above for an in-depth conversation taken directly from a recent Live Coaching Call.

Realtors ONLY: Visit the Realtor Support Forum to download DONE FOR YOU Trojan Horse Questions.

Audio 1 - Live Kickoff Call

Video 1
Video 2

Lesson Objectives

Listen to Audio #1 - Live Kickoff Call
Watch Video #1 - Halle's 4-Questions
Watch Video #2 - Modifying the Question Strategy
Download the Swipe File for Messaging New Connections PDF
Create Your "Trojan Horse" Questions and Post in Support Forums

[accessally_missing_any_tag tag_id=’585′ comment=’Clients_Accelerate_Has_Access’]Current Module Progress


Need Help?

[accessally_missing_any_tag tag_id=’585′ comment=’Clients_Accelerate_Has_Access’]Ask questions on the PRIVATE SUPPORT FORUMS, and know they will be responded to in 24 hours, usually much less.

We don’t have “mentors” individually, because the WHOLE TEAM pitches in to help based on their expertise.

POST questions for the live calls in the thread for those calls (which are posted the day before), and we will answer those questions LIVE on the calls – you can listen to the recordings and get the answers to your questions EVEN if you have to miss the call!

Also, KEEP MOVING FORWARD! You’ll get uncomfortable and overwhelmed, but then DAWN will occur and you will start to MASTER the program. It’s all a matter of continuing to take MASSIVE IMPERFECT ACTION!![/accessally_missing_any_tag]

[accessally_has_any_tag tag_id=’585′ comment=’Clients_Accelerate_Has_Access’][/accessally_has_any_tag]