Your Hero Story

Module Summary

This week, learn new ways to build trust and relationships with words and get your prospects ready to buy now.

LinkedIn Pulse/Press Releases will teach you how to position yourself as an expert at the top of your field, and tap into an even wider audience.

Personal copywriting assistance will show you how to write a press release that generates interest, leads and clients.

You will also learn how to use your hero story on other platforms like Facebook, Live Presentations, and any other platform that offers a private messaging service or one-on-one contact.

Module Objectives

Current Module Progress


Need Help?

Ask questions on the PRIVATE SUPPORT FORUMS, and know they will be responded to in 24 hours, usually much less.

We don’t have “mentors” individually, because the WHOLE TEAM pitches in to help based on their expertise.

POST questions for the live calls in the thread for those calls (which are posted the day before), and we will answer those questions LIVE on the calls – you can listen to the recordings and get the answers to your questions EVEN if you have to miss the call!

Also, KEEP MOVING FORWARD! You’ll get uncomfortable and overwhelmed, but then DAWN will occur and you will start to MASTER the program. It’s all a matter of continuing to take MASSIVE IMPERFECT ACTION!!