HeroWebinar Kickstart

Module Summary

The HeroWebinar, essentially a stealth weapon for leverage, has been specially designed by some of the finest minds in webinar development.  People routinely pay $10K-20K all over the webinar industry for just this piece of the High-End Client program, and they still have to develop it all themselves. We will be holding your hand every step of the way, plus giving you the graphic design and development team to actually do the work. This is the same high-converting webinar structure that our clients (and we) use to sell tens of millions of dollars in products and services.

In this Module, you will research and plan your webinar development, using the questionnaire and tools we have developed especially for you. This process will allow you to embed psychology, visual imagery, stellar core content, proper message flow and the right offer.

You will learn to put together a webinar that quickly and systematically establishes authority and credibility, delivers high value, and builds a personal connection, while you generate new clients, stress-free.

Module Objectives

Current Module Progress


Need Help?

Ask questions on the PRIVATE SUPPORT FORUMS, and know they will be responded to in 24 hours, usually much less.

We don’t have “mentors” individually, because the WHOLE TEAM pitches in to help based on their expertise.

POST questions for the live calls in the thread for those calls (which are posted the day before), and we will answer those questions LIVE on the calls – you can listen to the recordings and get the answers to your questions EVEN if you have to miss the call!

Also, KEEP MOVING FORWARD! You’ll get uncomfortable and overwhelmed, but then DAWN will occur and you will start to MASTER the program. It’s all a matter of continuing to take MASSIVE IMPERFECT ACTION!!